Barbarosa profile picture


HMM is this my new page? ☺ 8∞)

About Me

Born in the Armpit of America, I chose to move away from the stench of the city areas & relocate down south near Nashville TN. In Lawrence County to a rural place where wireless internet doesn't even reach :s (sob) My wife & I have a boy , (Gage) 6 & I also have Ryan, my oldest,16, who lives w/ his mom. We have 3 cats & a dog. The 3 cats are: Mouse, Lumpy & Babykitty & of course our dog is: "Pickles", the only kanine I've personaly known to be afraid of his own shadow. We live in a house that looks like a 3br. but is acually a dual floor dwelling (upstairs/downstairs apt.) & officially has 5 brs, with the tendancy for 7. 2 acres is enough to mow, that's for sure. But there's horses down the street in the pasture & 4 wheelers kept in the shed next door, with miles of trails to explore as well. Laid back & country"ish" is how I'd describe myself if I had to. The wife & I joined the Alabama Renaissance Faire Roundtable Commitee in '99 and have been members since. It's a blast. As Staff, we get to work with the best & the people whom we meet are wonderful. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be a roundtable member till I die, I suppose :^D
Renaissance Faire Pics
The Official Alabama Renaissance Faire Site
The Gode Cookery ... 'Yum'

My Interests

Renaissance Faires, Computers, Computer Programs, Camping, Hiking, Boating, Hunting and Fishing.

I'd like to meet:

People with similar interests :^D


60's, 70's, 80's & 90's Rock -n- Roll mostly. Too large a variety to mention.


Action, Horrors, Suspense, Thrillers & Comedies (No "B" grade movies)


That 70's Show (Hey, that's when I grew up), Jericho, LOST, Heros, the nature channel & PBS.


Nearly all of George MacDonald (19th century)

