Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus profile picture

Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus

Save the Squatters

About Me

Well i dont really use this myspace thing anymore---!! but its good to leave a note for peeps i guess!***im off travelling at the moment will be back some time in 2008, so see you then my friends.###I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Myspace Editor
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My Interests

cheak out our zine and email us if your interested [email protected] --------CHECK OUT THIS PHOTOGRAPHER; www.lightstalkers.org/will_hartley


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Hay,....This is what i did in Belgium in August 07, check it out...........

My Blog

no n sense

Family is a strange thing Interlaced with all sorts of emotional yin and yang And we have all suffered our differences. Its until you look back you see the them... these strange people becoming p...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 04:56:00 PST

The G8 Summit 2007

hello peeps, a little update from the "real" world other than the shitty media reports you get in uk.The g8 summit ended today in a collaberation of 3 blockades, into the town centre of Bad Doberan we...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:52:00 PST

Little Time

Little do we know it! time is ticking,and as we stare forward and reach for the things that are so far ahead, dangling carrot, star and moon...there she goes, ticking, big round face hand a changing,...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Mon, 28 May 2007 05:41:00 PST


waste controlling waste "Oh what a discrace," "these monkeys, rednecks, back yard bumkins, scoundrells, whatever you call 'em, post circus freaks, junkies, soul suckers...how dare they exist" What a w...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Fri, 11 May 2007 11:25:00 PST


ive sat with rory, written a peom, was a pissed collaboration, lets see wether it makes majic... things seem to complete themselves
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:26:00 PST

secret societys,french kisses,pornography

i want to be - trans-gendered this week,horribley disformed with satisfactory consequences, hehei think about french girls kissing in the sweat lodge,dont ask why, i dont even like the girls from Pari...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:26:00 PST

bottle of wine

today ive decide to grow a second skin, it is green with blue bits. i carry it around with me, in my soft skull carrier bag...and its heavy i sometimes sit with it and i turn invisible and i can see ...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 04:41:00 PST

Poem - i cannot express myself

I cannot express myself... she who, she is what i see... i like to dip, dipping my fingers inside the red curls, you see, you see me, and my scared red-dy hearted smile, and my kiss for you...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 03:43:00 PST

slow stray cats, and my demented sheets

Trouble sleeping? Yes, well no, not any more. last night to my great comfort of mind i slept ...a full nights sleep, in a sleeping bad zipped up corner to corner, longjohns and pyjama bottoms. Why was...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:34:00 PST

The little man in my head:shocked:

One day i woke up funny, there was a man in my tummy. He rose to my head as i got out my bed and wondered my worriedness. Some day the man will tell me his name Jepeto or Ray. And i dont care if he...
Posted by Fern and Shas magic journey in the big yellow bus on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST