art,spray paint,stencils,ink,industrial junk,creating madness, expanding my knowlegde of grimey and design.
I LOVE PEOPLE!Anyone who is interested in Grimey Design
dnb, hip-hop, funk,jazz,techno,rock,reggae,ecetro,breakbeat,chillout,old skool shit from most music types and much more
the mask!haha the jungle book,john malcovich,o brother where art tho, clockwork orange,the shinning,era,final destination(the original),101 dalmations,BASQUAIT,white men cant jump,he got game,donny darko. the list goes on.........(lots)
Subpersonalities(the people inside us), a guide for the advanced soul,meditation army,the flight of insperation,the catcher and the rye,the horse whisperer and anythin about pshycology and music or art cultures.
fiona!mask,mama,carrie,owed, vanessa, seen,kira,cbas,friz,dark rumors,pave graphics, jean-michel basquait,fams,john m,kirstin b,popo,dj nato,and my big red speakers r.i.p. (cheers jared).....oh ye and kOnKrIt