♫☆♪♥ So glamorous I spit glitter ♥♪☆ profile picture

♫☆♪♥ So glamorous I spit glitter ♥♪☆

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About Me

OK, so about me? I hate these sections, no matter what u say it sounds dorky but here goes in spite of that....... I am a 23 year old Freelance writer born and raised in the great state of Florida. (Most Floridians hate it here but I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.) I have recently spread my wings and moved to O-town! It's been one hell of a transition for a Polk county native, but I love it. My work and school are both here, and I love finally being close to them! Other than education and my day job I also enjoy a ton of other diverse activities that keep me smiling. (For a full list consult the interest section. He he he) One of those activities in particular that I have to take a moment to mention is spending time with my four legged Friends. I’m a huge animal lover especially of my four little girls; Cheyenne, Meeka, Hailey, and Serenity. They are so special to me. Nothing in this world compared to the love of your pets, at least in my opinion. Let’s see what else can I share? Well, if you can’t tell by the multitude of pictures on my page I am a VERY proud BBW, who has a lot of dreams to fulfill. Balancing everything so that I am able to achieve so much in such little time has made me a master at life’s juggling act. Between my social life, school, and work, I have had to learn to balance and it’s been such a valuable lesson. The people in my life are very important to me as well. I love doing and being there for them but you also have to know when to draw the line. Basically don't walk around so into what everyone else thinks and needs that you give in on what has worth to you. Because at the end of the day, no matter how hard you try you'll NEVER please everyone (it took a lot of shrinks to finally get me to see that.... kidding). Also I hate the whole racist thing. I grew up in the south and I just can't deal with the whole prejudging mentality when it comes to anything, skin color, sexual preference, and so forth. So if you don’t have an open mind, please keep it moving!..
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My Interests

My interests vary from one spectrum to the other. I enjoy the club scene but firmly believe in that too much of a good thing rule applies. Still, I never miss a Passion event. If you’ve never been, this is a MUST attend event. (www.myspace.com/passionaplussizeaffair) Other than that I’m big into anything that has to do with the water. I can be found poolside three out of five days a week. The beach is another one of my favorite places in the whole world though I don’t get out there as much as I would like. At heart though I guess I’m really quiet simple, some of my favorite things to do are some of the most low key events. I really enjoy a good book, or better yet a great book or poetry. In my free time if I’m not flipping or writing pages of my own then I am typically found hanging out with the most amazing friends in this whole world. We are constantly out and about in search of a good time, having cookouts, or whatever else our little hearts desire.

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Music is one of my MOST favorite things in this entire world. I’m pretty much a fan of it all as I have favorite songs/artist in each genre. Still I do tend to favor some over others. I absolutely adore Hip-hop, and R&B. I also really enjoy the whole top forty thing, pop-rock, as well as country from the early 90’s to the present. Some of my all time favorite artist are; Reba McEntire, Justin Timberlake, Brain McKnight, BEP, Rascal Flatts, Christina Aguilera, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, Ne-Yo, Ludicrous, P!nk,Lil Wayne, and so forth…


I'm not into movies all that much but when I do find one I like I watch it way to much. Some of my favorites include: Diary of a mad black woman, Maeda's family reunion, Why Did I get Married, (pretty much anything that Tyler Perry has done) American History X, Crash, Grease, Dragonfly, all of Ashley Judds movies, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Notebook, Jackass the Movie, BLACK SNAKE MOAN, Norbit and just like the music list it could just go on and on, but who wants to read all of that, right?
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As far as TV goes, I'm an MTV junky, and an American Idol nerd. Right now I would have to say my fave shows are: Law and Order SVU (that is my shit), Nip/Tuck (again love it), House (he's such an ass but I love him) and What not to wear. I also really dig 90’s out of syndication shows. Such as Fresh Prince, Boy meets world, Home Improvement, GOLDEN GIRLS, Save by the bell, ect… I know it’s lame but who cares. I love 'em. :)


I don’t get to read half as much as I would like but I am however a true lover of a good book. I tend though to stick to certain authors in my quest such as Nicholas Sparks, Meg Tilley, David Pelzer, Anne Rice and of course…. MAYA ANGELOU. I have recently started reading Stephanie Meyer and have fallen inlove with *TWILIGHT*! I know it's a young adult book but who cares... It is amazing. I’m also a big fan of Literature. I love Raisin in the Sun, 1984, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, ect…
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As far as hero’s go I can’t go without mentioning Maya Angelou and Reba McEntire. They are two women who have truly inspired me to be the woman that I am today. Still, I don’t believe that fame is a necessary trait when listing my hero’s. For the woman who has influenced me the most never saw her name in lights but in every single way my grandmother, Mrs. Mable Terry, is the definition of heroine.

My Blog

3 a.m. Happiness

My life is not perfect; far from it. I've had my fair share of heartbreak and disappointment (and sometimes I think I've had others share as well). I've had so called friends prove to be toxic, I don'...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 12:40:00 PST

Glitter in the Air (R.B.1983-2008)

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?Closed your eyes and trusted, just trust it?Have you ever thrown a fist fullof glitter in the air?Have you ever looked fear in the faceand said I just do...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 09:33:00 PST

This is how it goes down

CAUTION:Don't read into this. This was done quite some time ago, but it's about to come out and I think it's cool, so I'm posting it. :) I hear my name I hear the trash you're talking In your sleep T...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:37:00 PST

How cool is this........

I was cullenized by Infinity's Smile of twilight fanspace. Cool huh? I'm one step closer to becoming Mrs. Edward Cullen. LOL! Yep I went there. :) I couldn't help myself.   PS. If you have n...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 09:56:00 PST

Novella says.......

  *You don't always have to lie in the bed you made; you just have to commit to redecorating. *A man should always be an accessory to your life, never a necessity *There are those who dwell on wh...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 09:18:00 PST

Most of the time&.

I'm too busy to really process matters of the heart. I have a ton of obligations and responsibilities to occupy my time and my mind, however, every now and then a night like this will come. A night w...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 01:55:00 PST

Reminder: Stop bitching!

I am very lucky; I have achieved a lot, and blessed with the ability to obtain an endless amount of success in this life time. It's high time that I see my life and myself for what it is and stop focu...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:21:00 PST

So over saying Goodbye!

Sometimes a person knows when they have reached their limit. Rather it is with a person, a place, a substance, or so forth. I'm sure we've all been there at one time or the other and for me the time i...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 04:44:00 PST

Is bitter really bad?

I have always operated on the theory that no one likes a bitter woman. That you should leave the past in the past and go on looking only towards the future. The "don't judge all by the actions of one"...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 04:37:00 PST

If you lived forever, what would you live for?

I was at work the other day when I saw this catch phrase of this major book series (the twilight series) by Stephanie Meyer. It read& "If you lived forever, what would you live for?" At first I brushe...
Posted by kje So glamorous I spit glitter ejk on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 01:11:00 PST