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I am here for Friends

About Me
I am a woman.
I’m not a chick. I do like looking good and dressing up, but I resent the fact that somewhere along the line I was told I’m not supposed to leave the house without makeup on.
I am an HSP. Does anybody know what that means?:-)
I am crying quickly. I even cry because of disney movies. Its a bit annoying and embarassing to cry when all the kids around dont.
I am a hopeless romantic...
I am only half german...guess what the other half could be;-)
I am a chameleon. I like to change my look, my hair and my profile:-) I also like to move my furnitures all the time. But I like it cosy and comfortable in my colourful castle;-)
I am a child of God. He is my father and my greatest hope is to make Him proud. I want to be a worker in His harvest field forever and a day...until I will pass the gate to heaven of course:-)
I have also kept lots of a child in my heart. When we stop having this, we start to die.
I noticed I became more grown up though: I started ironing my tops this week! Gosh....
I am a bit freaky, but I am glad I can understand the other freaks in a better way:-)
I am a mother. I will lay down my life for my kids. I love to be at home as well. Nobody expects this from me though;-)
I am a daughter. I respect and love my parents and when they are old I will take care of them.
I am a sister. In regard to the extraordinary family situation in my life, I am happy to be a sister to so many of you out there.
I am a friend. If you’re my friend you will be for life, even if I haven’t seen you in twenty years.
I am generous and helpful, if you need something I will probably give it to you whether I can afford it or not. I find great joy in buying little gifts for people I love.
I am impatient. I am working on it.
I am a deep thinker – I want to know more about things and persons, i always go deep. That might be a challenge sometimes.
I am a dreamer. I am dreaming of the opportunity to help people on the street one of these days, like prostitutes, addicts, and streetkids. My dream is a ministry for the poor. Also I love to organize concerts to bring the gospel to non-christians.
I love music, almost every kind. I love musicians and also singing myself.
I love dancing wildly.
I love different cultures with all their colours, and I love people a lot. Especially kids.
I love nature and animals like butterflies, seahorses and wolves.
I wanted to be a scientist when I was a little girl.
I have a crazy and unbelieveable lifestory. It was not on purpose, but I was hanging out with rockstars, was in Florida with no money left, was rescued from fire and water, and so on...
I want to be a better person, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, lover and friend. I hope I’m at least walking in that direction.
I want to live a fearless life. I hope when I’m old, I will look back and know, that not only did I do the best I could, but that I made a difference in someone’s life. I hope I’m remembered as someone who made things better while I was here.
I am a woman.

My Interests


you have the choice between this

and that
what would you prefer?

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts at / Stars

my favorite place.


S.O.A.D. "lonely day"
there is no "wrong music", only stupid people and bad lyrics...every kind of music is created by god.


the stone and the flute, l.o.t.r., john grisham, astrid lindgren, khalil gibran, hitchhiker*s guide to the galaxyand of course: the holy bible



jesus, jackie pullinger, david pierce, my kids

My Blog


"Denn so wie ihr Augen habt um das Licht zu sehen,und Ohren um Klänge zu hören, so habt ihr ein Herz,um die Zeit wahrzunehmen.Und alle Zeit, die nicht mit dem Herzen wahrgenommen wird,ist so verloren ...
Posted by nici on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:23:00 PST

house of hope

liebe freunde,einige von euch wissen, dass wir neue räumlichkeiten suchen - sowohl für die gemeinde, als auch für´s café.uns schwebt ein ganzes haus vor, zentral gelegen, wo wir auch zimmer vermieten ...
Posted by nici on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:23:00 PST


geh wenn der tag vorbei istin die nacht hinausund bade dein gesichtim sternenwindspuck ausdie asche die dein herz ersticktund vergiftet dein blutund fliegefliege vogelleichtden sternen zu...
Posted by nici on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:00:00 PST

14 umzüge und kein todesfall

statistiken besagen, dass ein umzug -was den stressfaktor betrifft- einem todesfall in der familie gleichkommt. ich glaub´s! naja, ich gehör dann auch noch zu der sorte mensch, die es nicht ertragen, ...
Posted by nici on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:12:00 PST


bin grad am umziehen in eine neue wohnung, und es macht keinen spaß. es ist einfach nur stress. meine kleine tochter meinte gestern auch: "mama, der umzug ist zu anstrengend für mich!". ein glück dass...
Posted by nici on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:59:00 PST

sunday you need love...

...monday be alone. ist nur ein song von trio, keine angst. gestern wieder ne session gehabt, war einfach wieder toll. hab mich schon wieder breitschlagen lassen, im april die nächste zu machen *seufz...
Posted by nici on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

der prophet

ich liebe dieses buch einfach!!!   Liebt einander, aber macht die Liebe nicht zur Fessel. Laßt sie eher ein wogendes Meer zwischen den Ufern eurer Seelen sein. Füllt einander den Becher, aber t...
Posted by nici on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 03:03:00 PST

dies und das

meine freunde k. und d. sind nicht nur sehr entschlossene und fixe hauskäufer, sondern auch noch fähige spülmaschinenreparierer. coole sache. angeblich wird morgen dann auch noch von irgendwem der neu...
Posted by nici on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:30:00 PST


mein blöder dishwasher auf arbeit pumpt nicht mehr ab, und der neue kühlschrank wird von der firma zwar geliefert, aber nur in den flur, ein einbau wäre nicht vereinbart gewesen... ich weiß schon...
Posted by nici on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:49:00 PST


ich hab heute spaßeshalber mal wieder ein bisschen auf youtube gekramt, und bin doch immer wieder erstaunt, was man da so alles findet: zum beispiel einen song, den ich seit jahren im netz suche, und ...
Posted by nici on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:08:00 PST