"Warum sollte man der besten Message der Welt nur ein stinknormales Outfit verpassen?"
Welcome to Worship Christ. @ myspace!
After innumerable hours, days and months, finally, the new myspace website is online …
On this little space here you can get a glimpse of what our awesome Creator is working through my life (For more info go to www.worshipchrist.de ). Sometimes one idea follows another; one is just finished and the next project is already on the doorstep … This is also a reason why I made my website (and this myspace), to make it all available to you, that you may see and grasp the manifold richness of God (that is revealed in a very small manner through what I do).
Due to my restricted and decent financial ressources i cannot realize all the projects that I handle. BUT: There's a good message to you! You can support me in my vision :) Ooops! Did I say vision?
Well, I believe that what I am doing here is a mission in my life, to let God speak through the stuff I make to the hearts of people, to reveal his message of hope and love to the people arounf the globe. I believe that our phat creative God (have a deeper look at creation, dude!) wants to bring the best message ever in a creative way to mankind.
Why should the best be wrapped up with s.th. ordinary?
Surely, this is just the start, but I think God has some big things in store for me and you …
So then, be blessed and rock on!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no ficklenss, neither shadow of turning."
/ James 1:17
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