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"I DoNt CaRe WaT U ThinK AbOuT Me..ItS NoNe oF mY BuSiNesS!!!"
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DO WHAT the WOnT To GEt WHat THey CAn't Animal HUstle"
-ThE Great p.R.
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Rules to understand a woman's worth...1. A Man must put aside his ego, pride, & self-centered ways2. A Man must know when to seperate time from his woman, his career & his homies.3. A Man must learn to sacrifice his ladies' man jersey to win with a champion. (Ponder on that statement...LOL)4. A Man must learn to admit his mistakes when wrong. (Hell hath no fury...U know the rest. )5. A Man must know the difference between "Lifetime Beauty" &"Temporary Temptations".6. A Man shall treat his woman like he would treat his mother, beyond respect and love.7. A man needs to realize the love of a woman is precious as a diamond, yet priceless at the same time.8. Understand that a woman's worth is worth fighting for. TREAT HER AS YOUR EQUAL!!!!!! I CAN'T STRESS IT ENOUGH FELLAS.9. Take her words of wisdom into consideration. She may know more than we think...(LOL).10. Last but never the least, what you don't realize in your woman...Another Man Will. Keep Her First Fellas. I'm Gone."
Champions aren’t made in a gym. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina they have to be a little faster they have to have the skill and the will but the will must be stronger than the Skill……
Anything that you set your mind to can and will be yours if you just Believe! Believe in what you may ask? Yourself! Believe that you are the intellect which has governed civilizations for century upon century. Believe that you are the standard of beauty and not whatever images the media shells out at you. Believe that there is no task too big or too small that you can not reach for and achieve. Realize young lady that women have always been at the helm of everything great. James Brown said it best, "this is a man's world but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl". You have so many big sisters to look up to, so many sources of inspiration that have provided the framework of the strong work ethic known as womanhood. Notice I call you young lady for these terms that I hear you referred to are not your names. You are a Queen who must demand respect, your mere presence should command respect. You must first respect yourself however, and respect your fellow sisters as well. Together you young ladies make up the future table of leadership. God made you to be special, he made you to stand apart from the crowd. So fear not if you feel isolated or alone, look back to your big sisters who have changed the landscape of history, they once felt alone too. I write you this letter to show my admiration for you, to pay homage to the beautiful gift that the creator is bestowing upon us. Follow your dreams and believe in your path young lady, for the very thought of you reaching a tenth of your potential is an inspiration to us all!
Notorious B.I.G.
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kanye west - jesus walks
Add to My Profile | More Videos but most of all Raul is my hero, not sammy!