About Me
in 1 I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Mike {Crusher} Dues Spent His Very Early Years Growing Up In The Mountains, After having many problems with school, he dropped out at an early age after only 6 years. His father left home when he was only 5. And after moving into the mountains, his mother soon went away, when he was at the young age of 15. All the time Dues was either playing his guitar, conga drum, partying with the hippies, or just staying out of the line of fire from the bikers, rednecks or even Viet nam vets. It was a fine time in young Crushers life. Time to go away. So he hitch hiked to the east coast, and soon found himself working for a road show called The James Drew Expositional carnival] Still playing guitar for the carneys after work, or sometimes even for tips at any local bar. After a year of that Crush moved back home to his beloved New Mexico, Started a band with some local players and a guy from Mikes self acclaimed home town of Cedro village. The Rabit Band did well playing many venues around the collage, for parties, political rallies, and even at a local hot spot called ,Okie Joes.[okies] Michael was faced with a dilemma, as some friends of his asked him to join a band called On The Run, and move to Reno Nevada. The band was out of west Texas, And mainly played top 40 country, And southern rock. So after a little friction with The Rabit Band, The young lad was off once more. After many trials and tribes. The band landed a house gig at a very big and popular night spot and casino, called the Shy Clown. Still living in the bus and dressing rooms, On The Run played the Clown for 14 weeks. In those days it was un heard of to do that lengthy a stent. After two years of playing the Nevada casino and bar circuit, some of the fellows got home sick for Texas, and soon went back home. This was a fork in the road for the kid. One day while sitting in the steam room at the European heath spa, a booking agent, and manager came up with an idea that Mike looks like John Beliushi, and should do a tribute band to the Blues Brothers, as a gag. The gag ran for 21 months and earned The Dues Brothers the states of most working band in Nevada. After the band books were found in the basement of the band house, it was apparent that the band manager was taking thousands of dollars off the top, and the band was soon to be no more. The Crusher then started to play with mainstream rock bans in Reno, Band like.The Contra Band, Troy and the Temors,The Kind and many more. before moving to Detroit ,MI. for three years. to play for a group called The Kind. Mike has taken a lengthy break before getting together with his latest project. The Darrellx Band. The out standing Rhythm section, along with expert keyboard work, plus the overwhelming slide guitar work. Brings Mike Dues to some place new. His fire hot lead work, along with his soulful vocal style is sure to please the ears, but hold on to your seat I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4