Football, Sport in general, Guitar, Live music, reading (occasionally), Socialising ;-), meeting new people, travelling.test
Anyone who shares the same interests, music, university etc. If these people happen to be of the female, good looking variety then so be it, ;-) Nikki Sanderson would be good!
I am am into all sorts of different music such as: Bloc Party, Maximo Park, We are scientists, Arcade Fire, Razorlight, Jack Johnson, tracey Chapman, Damien Rice, Jose Gonzalez, Postal Service,Oasis, Feeder, Death Cab, Editors, Snow Patrol, The Maccabees, Jeff Buckley, Elliot Smith, Hot Chip and many many more. Also been getting into a bit of the Who recently
Shawshank redemption, Waynes world 1 & 2, probably many more but these are the first ones that come to mind. ..
24, Prison break, The OC, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Soccer AM and any football for that matter, and of course the Office (probably the greatest show of all time).
I like reading autobiographies esecpially within Sport, Music and Business.
Besides David Brent I would have to say Peter Crouch. Perhaps not hereoes but I also admire Richard Branson and Lance Armstrong and Roy Keane.