Listening/Promoting/Reviewing/Writing/and Playing Metal music. Other interests include playing bass, seeing concerts, EPL Soccer(Go Arsenal!), drinking, watching movies, sleeping, thinking, and hanging with friends.
God Forbid Interview
Winds of Plague Interview
Into Eternity Interview
Skeletonwitch Interview
Marc Rizzo Interview
Tim Williams of Bloodsimple Interview
Any Metal Bands that I haven't met yet and all crazy metalheads across the globe!
Black metal, Death metal, Extreme Metal, Groove metal, Metalcore, Progressive metal, Sludge metal, Speed metal, Thrash metal, Traditional heavy metal, Viking metal, and some Christian metal. Other favorites include classical music and classic rock. If you got talent and are original, I like you....if not, your horrible.
Braveheart, Seven, Gladiator, Fight Club, The Crow, Tombstone, Green Street Hooligans, V for Vendetta, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Pulp Fiction, The Rock, Face/Off, 300, Sin City, Ray, Kingdom of Heaven, Hannibal Series, American Psycho, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Predator, Crash, Constantine, The Last Samurai, Desperado, Boondock Saints, Four Brothers, Snatch, Phantom of the Opera, The Big Lebowski, Zoolander, Dumb and Dumber, Dodgeball, and Bad Santa. Horror- Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night of the Living Dead, Chilidren of the Corn, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devils Rejects, All Jason and Freddy movies, SAW 1 and 2, Candyman, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Halloween, yea i love horror
Sound of the Beast-Ian Christe, The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Metallica Biography-So What!, The Inferno-Dante, The Future of an Illusion-Sigmund Freud, Seven Theories of Religion-Daniel Pals, A History of God-Karen Armstrong, Siddhartha-Herman Hesse, Profiles in Courage-JFK, The Simpsons and Philosophy, Macbeth and other Shakespeare, basically anything on religion, philosophy, or music.
Grandfather, Cliff Burton, Dimebag Darrell