Songwriting,Singing, ,Oil painting,Knitting,TKD,Cats and Dogs, my Kids, my hubby,making money,hiking
My older brother Gary, my grandparents,Dolly Parton,Shepard Smith,Dr.Phil,George Straight,Barry Manilow,James Scott,Albert Einstien, Monet, Paula Deen, Gida De Laurentis
Dolly Parton, Justin Timberlake, Christina Agulaira,Led Zepplin,Meatloaf, BarryManilow,Gwen Stefani
Piarates of the carribean 1+2
CNN, FOx news, Days of our Lives, South Park, Documentary Films, The Food Channel
A couple books I am re-reading now is Creative Visulazation,Palmistry, writing songs. A great romance novel, The Grapes of Wrath
Mom and Dad