I'm too lazy to update my photos; piss off
That's right, we are asexual. We don't have to worry about none of that "oops, my period leaked onto my white pants in the middle of a group of ridiculously hot people." The two most ridiculously good looking being Aribika and myself, of course! So really, say if we weren't asexual and that DID happen, other people would think it's cool, and it would be a growing trend.
We have heard stories though about the gynecologist. Have you noticed that the majority of gynecologists are creepy old men? WTF? Weird. But really, who wants to have a speculum stuck up their vag and be scraped uncomfortably in their poor cervix? Pretty sure I don't, and Aribika doesn't, which is why we are SO grateful that we are asexual. Go abstinance (and not having sexual organs)! To all of those reading this that are not asexual, I feel really bad for you that you have to bleed(or other various secretions) through your vag, or have uncomfortable sex, go to the gyno, get STD's, put babies through your vag, or just plain smell in your special area.
2. Aribika and I decided are are moving to Vancouver. But, before you start thinking, "wtf, why would anyone move to Washington???!" We're actually going to the Vancouver in Canada(because we love Canadians and desperately wish had it running through our very veins), so we talk with fake Canadian accents, go surfing in the ocean, get raped while working at McDonalds, and be the best gourmet cooks we can be! Don't wish us luck, because we won't need it(we're asexual remember?)
From two ridiculously Awesome people to a bunch of normal people, we bid you a happy night.(written by sarahawesome)
me signing boobs @ warped '06.
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