I'd like to meet:
"Choose my company by the beating of their heart, not the swelling of their head."
a new found glory, alien ant farm, as i lay dying, abr, bane, ben folds, bleeding through, blindside, boys 2 men, cave in, chris tomlin, co&ca, concrete, copeland, curtins, d/c, death cab, deftones, dredg, eisley, elliott, every time i die, fsf, the get up kids, he is ledgend, hideki naganuma, hopesfall, ignite, imogen heap, in flames, jason morant, jimmy eat world, the juliana theory, life in your way, linkin park, living sacrafice, mae, the marz volta, matthew, mercury switch, mewithoutyou, michael jackson, the midnight renewal, misery signals, mxpx, octoberwar, once nothing, one dead three wounded, the operation, overcome, paramore, pedro the lion, piebald, the postal service, recess theory, rilo kiley, the roots, savage garden, saves the day, shallow water grave, silent drive, stretch arm strong, strongarm, sufjan stevens, t-bone, terry bozzio, third eye blind, thrice, old thursday, twothirtyeight, underoath, unearth, vessel, virgil donati, with honor, zao
Dead Poet's Society, Donnie Darko, Goodwill Hunting, Lord of the Rings, Star wars IV, V, VI, Count of Monte Cristo, Rocky I, II, III, IV, V, Antwan Fisher, Napolean Dynamite The Sandlot, Rookie of the Year, Hook, Panic Room, Angus, Bottle Rocket, Equillibrium, Huck Fin, Friday Night Lights, American History X, Pulp Fiction
the office, home movies, space ghost c2c, mad tv, fresh prince, ali g, freaks and geeks
the bible, wild at heart, the power of passion
Dustin Kensrue, Stacey, Josh, Kris