Jack Kerouak, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Dylan Thomas, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, The Boss, Gram Parsons, Damien Rice, David Gray, Ray Lamontagne, A Man named Jed, someone else who loves the neverending story, Griffin House (he gave me a head knod once does that count?), a fish called wanda, people who play guitar...alot, a bass player, the little kid who range my door bell in the middle of that night the other night, a six sigma black belt, Mike Rodrigez, the people who believe that it is an obligation to drive slow in the left lane, someone who has a dog named 'sneaky', people who drink Bud Light, people who drink Beast so I can ask them Why?, Mr. Marshall, The Waco Tragedies, Phil Collins, Steve Jobs, Harvey Roth, Martin Luther King Jr, Kermit the Frog, Zelda, Ricky Bock, Dan LaBoube, A guy named "Red", A girl named "Pretty", Other people who think it is funny when someone falls down (and they are not hurt), Ryan Binkholder, Dr. Clinton Jokerst, Great songwriters, Old perverted men or women, Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy, Voltron, The guy who invented gravity (what was he thinking), Jackie Chan, The person who said that red is red, that weird neighbor that everyone talks about, Blue Man Group, Clint Meyer, STUBBY, Someone named after someone famous, someone who shares that same name as someone famous, Red shoes, Baby Einstein, Lincoln logs, ThunderCats, Billy Bob Thorton and have him say "fried taters", Ryan Uding, Sunsets, That girl who was singing in her car while driving 80 down the interstate, Farmers, Woody Guthrie, Otis Redding, The Chicken Man, Billy Bologny, Soldiers and say "thanks", JW, The orkin man, Captain Jack, Kate Wehner, Larry the Cable Guy, Phish, Another Great songwriter, Larry King, Pauly Walnuts (accomplished on 4/21/07), Protesters and say sit on it, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy, Aliens, institutional toilet paper makers to see if their asses are chapped, A guy named Lenny who I could trust, a mean purple dinosaur, The other white meat, american standard, someone with the name January, or July for that matter, a rhotweiler named candy, a turkish prostitute, an un-sure footed mule, Vegas Baby, A long day of doing nothing,