Hi, all! Things here are really rolling along now, as February draws to a close. Hard to believe that we're already two months into 2008!! It's kinda scary, as there are so many things to get done in a short time. Currently, we're trying to locate a rear end and synchro transmission for the truck, to replace the farm gear it has right now. Whether or not we can locate something better before VLV remains to be seen...I can't deal with the thought of putting to Vegas in the Slowmobile. That engine deserves better!!! If anyone knows of anything for sale in the drivetrain arena local to us, or even in Texas and Colorado, I'd surely appreciate a heads up! Thinking of hot rods and whatnots, the photos for the Fat Daddy shoot were just brought to me by Scott Saiz, the photographer behind it all. Bunches of the Rumblers CC were on hand to fill in the backgrounds of the shots. Sid gave us free reign among his many gorgeous car bodies for the scenery, as well as the use of his car, and Chops brought his stunning little rod for some interior and exterior shots. I've posted some of them, as well as the truck wraps and poster shot in a new photo album titled with the Fat Daddy name. I think you'll agree that Scott has a wonderful eye, and anyone interested in working with him, or buying some of the FD products, just give me a shout. Hopefully, the boys will be sending the links for both Scott and Brian's websites soon, so people can link to them directly. All shots in the album are the works of Scott Saiz, and all rights are retained. Rolling on, we had a great night out for the Burlesque show...just about everyone from the photo shoot was on hand to enjoy the show, and to head to the Atomic Cantina for the aftershow party. Now more than ever, I want to get into burlesque myself. I've always, always loved it, but watching some of the performances cemented my desire to join in on the fun. I keep hoping to hook up with a certain Arizona transplant to hash out some ideas, so hopefully, we'll do it soon and start up something fun! Thanks for reading, and I'll keep you posted as new things develop!!
Thank you all yet again for the amazing support during the Kitten Koffin Zombies Pin Up calendar contest! The new Zippos are in!!! Just visit the Kitten Koffin Zombies website (kittenkoffinzombies.com) and click the "lighters" tab to see them all.
Another year has passed, and I'm so grateful to be ushering in a new one here in Albuquerque. It took a lot of work to get here, and so far, living in this wonderful city has been better than I ever could have imagined. Although I miss many of my friends in other cities terribly, I've met some amazing, kind people, and have found a circle of friends who are genuinely good to Lucifer and I. Things have really come together, as dreams are concerned, and I'm finding more and more work in the field of pin up. This year, I'm hoping now to connect with a few of the girls here in town to form a vintage-styled burlesque troup. ABQ has so many wonderful performers, and I'm sure that it'll come into being in time. Any local ladies interested in forming a 1920's to 1950's troup, please, send me a message. To get the ball rolling, I'm currently looking for costuming and props...if anyone out there knows of items such as ostrich fans, silk stockings, rhinestone costume pieces (ah, the good ol' days!), vintage jewelry with a sparkle, et cetera, or has things like this for sale or for trade, please let me know! Also, a few people have asked to send items, samples, promos, and the like...I'm awfully flattered and honored that you have thought that much of me to make these offers. They are very, very appreciated!! Sadly, I've had several things go missing for the postal service, including a few 1950's dresses. Due to the fact that our local, small post office refuses to take any action on this, I'll be getting a PO box in town to have these things sent to directly. I'll post the new box address when it's available. We'll be taking photos with the "wearable" items...coming very soon will be a series of shots featuring the gorgeous feathered hats of Miss Taissa Lada...she is truly an artist! Thank you all so much for your kindness, and for making this year a very memorable and wonderful one!!!
I'd like to send a big thank you to the mighty fine men (and a mighty fine woman) over at Star Tattoo, for giving me a place to call home. I'm currently tattooing there on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. If you're in the area and would like some tattoo work, please look us up!
I'm a tattoo artist and body piercer, with 11 years in the business. I've applied my craft in Florida, owned a shop in Arizona, and plan on another someday soon, down Albuquerque way. The slideshow above shows some of my work. I like this feature, but I've noticed that some of the photos have a certain jaggedness due to resolution issues. Still can't figure out how to fix that once and for all....
My truck...home in New Mexico at last!!!! In honor of my fav-o-rite book, I've taken to calling my little parts-dropper The Big Five-Oh. There are not nearly enough words to describe the thrill of dragging the beast out of New Jersey, across the country, and down old Route 66! And no offense to the people of New Jersey, but I hate Parsippany, Black Hole of Hell that it is. May it return to the inferno from which it came.
Here's a few samples of some photography of mine. I'm hoping to get the images printed soon for those who are interested....
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
What else about me to stick in the "About Me" section? I feel like a bit of an ass saying "I", "I", "I" all the time here, but I suppose a profile is supposed to be about the person who maintains it. After all, you're not here in my page to read about the local sports team or the latest drunken antics of the current crop of Celebretards. Besides, I couldn't fake my way through a conversation about sports if I tried, just like I can't hack into computers, though right about now, that could be interesting indeed...
Anyway, I love red lipstick and wear it as often as I can. Come to think of it, I love most colors of lipstick. I loooove backseam stockings and the rarer-still backseam pantyhose, because a vintage dress isn't quite right without them. Corsets, garters, and foundation garments are a necessity of life, no matter what size you are. I get irritated by petty jealousy, because no one does or has something so special, that someone else couldn't do it or have it if they'd just quit bitching and get on it themselves. I have an insatiable desire to collect vintage jewelry, and am absolutely nuts about rhinestones. I also have a bizarre weakness for feathered hats, boas, puses, and the like. I accomplish what I set my mind to more often than not. I like to pose for retro photos but get a little bummed about how most of them come out, not because of the photographer, but because frankly, I really don't think I'm super spiffy in the looks department. I'm terribly shy around new people, and display an amazing talent for fumbling words and sticking my foot in my mouth. I often wake up after a party or gathering, wondering if I said something stupid or if I started babbling from sheer nervousness. I eat the tails off of chocolate bunnies.
I'm addicted to false eyelashes, liquid eyeliner, hair flowers, vintage hats, and funky purses that are too small to be actually useful. I temper my positive with negative, and my negative with positive. Vintage gloves with beading, scalloped edges, sculptured cuffs, eyelet lace, and other decorative edging should be in every girls' dresser. I cry watching things like Extreme Home Makeover or when I see animals getting mistreated or hunted solely for "sport". I can't wear high heels unless they are a minimum of 3.5" high, preferably with a platform sole, although most of mine are 4" or 5" high. I don't care for "flats", because they look like someone intentionally broke the heels off of perfectly good shoes. I once shoved a man to the ground for kicking his dog. I love to laugh as much as possible, even though I think my laugh sounds a little like a braying donkey. I try and watch my money and my diet, but have a propensity for saying the Hell with it and eating and spending like I could be gone tomorrow. I think my voice is too deep to be considered girly, but not deep enough to be sexy like Kathleen Turner. I'd like to win the lottery so I could help people and make a difference in someone's life by getting them what they need to eat and stay warm. I'd like to win the lottery to buy a new transmission so I can throw mine back onto the farm it came from.
I have a thing for beaded and sequined Orlon sweaters from the 50's, and cannot resist buying vintage dresses...ever. Restoring damaged dresses has become a minor mission in life, because they really don't make them quite like that anymore. I fail to comprehend why people have MySpace profiles, then write nothing in them. Art Nouveau is my favorite art movement. Art Deco is my second favorite. I'm grateful that my Mom didn't raise us to be "pretty people", and said that while looks will only take you so far, your brain will take you the distance. I'm mildly neurotic...who said that? I'm wondering how many people have actually read this far. I'm an unrepentant shoe hunter/gatherer, and am probably single-handedly raising DSW's stock value. I cannot resist flea markets, yardsales, antique stores, and vintage shops of any kind. My eyeballs will roll clear from my head when I pass one of these potential treasure troves. The bad part is chasing them down the street, knocking the dust and pebbles off, and popping them back in. A dream of mine is to open a funky little vintage resale shop, but I'm not sure I could part with much of what would be purchased to stock the place. I own way too much stuff...yes, it's a LOT of stuff, but it's all really, realllllly cool.