Love Is A Flame, A Devil's Thing A Violent Storm About To Be Born. Just Look In These Eyes, See All Their Lies, All These Things You See You Cannot Deny
"Hate The Living, Love The Dead"
My Jokes Usually Crack Me Up, But Can Leave Others With Blank Faces...
I Can Chew Your Ear Off About Certain Types Of Science, Mystical Characters, Music, Film, Art And The Random. I Love Going 'EMO' With Photography, To The Point Were I Cry About It Later "LOL" I Face Paint ALOT, Which Is My 'Mask Of Indifference'. I Don't Feel This Generation Is For Me. Plant Me In The 80's Or The Medievil Times And I Will Be Most Greatful! I Can Only Wish For Such Happiness. I Am A Child At Heart, So You Can Get To Know Me Very Easily.
I don't mind what you think of me. I'm just human like you, but with cooler socks ^^
I'm half hippie, half suit. These two sides of me are totally at war.
Sometimes I have really bizarre mannerisms. I'm way more into my own head than reality.
I fidget, mumble to myself, look around spastically, and often fight laughter when alone out in public.
I love music, and I listen to a pretty wide variety of it. I would say that I'm laid back, polite, honest, and a genuinely nice girl. When I have time off I like to go to the movies, listen to music, hang out with friends and spend time with anyone that needs help. I tend to put other people's feelings ahead of my own, which can suck because people almost always use it to their advantage. I'm the kind of girl that will say anything to make people smile, but I can be serious when I need to be. It's easier for me to become someone's friend than it is for someone to become my friend. I'm a good listener, I've been through a lot in my life and I know what it's like to need someone to talk to. I'm easy to get along with, and if you take the time to get to know me I can guarantee that you'll like me. Before you ask I'm not a stoner, a punk, a goth, or emo...I'm just me. If you want to know anything else about me just ask!
Here Is A Cuddle From Me To You ♥
I would like to meet someone with the most unusual personality and way of life. I would like to be taught many things by so many individuals, I wouldn’t know where to start. Meeting new friends and catching up with the old is a pretty cool journey. We are all here for a purpose I would just dearly want to know yours...
So, In Other Words, Anyone Really. The Stranger The Better!! Love You All
I'm not anal about my friends list. I accept everyone. However, I rarely request adds. So if you get a request from me, it means that I think you're awesome.
Little Sammy, Age 3
Brains Please?!
Fallen Angels
"The fiend with all his comrades Fell then from heaven above, Through as long as three nights and days, The angels from heaven into hell; And them all the Lord transformed to devils, Because they his deed and word Would not revere"
Caedmon, Creation: 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels'
In Heaven, his name was Lucifer (light bearer), he was God's most beautiful angel...
...But even in this position, Lucifer was not content. He took inordinate pride in his own angelic nature - he was overly pleased with his supernatural gifts, his immortality, his closeness to God. And eventually, his pride became so great that he was angered at having a master of any kind, even God.
He wanted to control his own destiny and so he rebelled against God and all of Heaven. He threw up his banner, recruited his army of equally discontented angels and waged war against God for supremacy.
Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan...
...were originally one Devil who were transmogrified into three different characters by demonology and the Devil remained as such. Beelzebub was a separate entity in Judaism, later appearing as a fallen angel, and Satan is the leader of fallen angels: while Lucifer was originally an unnamed angel, the one who talked Satan into joining him in the rebellion.
"Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all!" - Anton Szandor LaVey
More than 2,000 years ago, October 31st was a day to be feared by the Celtic people who lived in what is now England, Ireland and France. For them October 31st was The Festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the year and the end of the harvest season. It was their New Year's eve.
Why all the fear? Because it was believed that during the evening of this harvest festival the Lord of the Dead, Samhain, would allow the dead to return to earth for a few hours.
To hide from these evil spirits many people donned masks - the more gruesome the better - so the spirits would think they were not mortals but other evil spirits and pass them by. Grotesque masks of all sizes and shapes were made from animal skins, animal heads and anything else the Celts could find and use. Costumes were also incorporated in this ceremony. The wilder the costume, the more frightening it would be to ward off the evil spirits.
Bonfires, in honour of the sun god, were built to keep these spirits away. The masked and costumed people would gather around the bonfires dancing, singing, and even jumping over the flames. Those who didn't jump high enough were burned in the flames and offered as a human sacrifice. Other sacrifices made to the bonfire were animals and crops.
So whether you're a ghost, witch, goblin, devil or mummy this Halloween, just remember that you are part of an ancient tradition that began some 2,000 years ago.
Forever In Hell's Misery
Magic & Christianity:
The main difference between Magic and Christianity is that in Magic "the devil" is the center of the ritual; in Christianity, it is "God. That's what the Bible says, and that's the reason why the Bible calls any kind of Magic "prostitution against God", and advises "to kill the witches" in Exodus 22:18
"Magic", has been used in all the ancient cultures, long before Christianity. It is not to be confused with priests, shamans, and doctors of old cultures, who heal with herbs, or prayers to God
"Cannibalism -The Solution To The Overpopulation Problem"
Few Favorite Words
Flogger Willy Rant - "I Have something important to say".
Glush - a very refreshing drink.
Gnar-kill - Overly awsome.
Chode - A penis that is wider than it is long.
Arabian Goggles - To put both of your testicles on someone's eyes while they are sleeping.
Oodles - Lots of something
Doodlebutt - Idiot.
Wang - The male sex organ.
Head! - Funny shaped Head :)
Gomp - Someone who is/looks very stupid.
Cheeby - Idiotic girl. It's Japanese.
Poontang - Slang for Vagina.
Diabolic - Wicked.
Scrotum of Ass - "I really dont like what you just did"
Ramshank - Wicked
Snuggle - A Warm cosy Cuddle.
Jewish - Something sucks or something is gay.
I Believe In
The Extraterrestrial Life - Aliens
The Paranormal - Ghosts/Spirists
^^ Dragons ^^
Men In Loin Cloths (Why The Fuck Not? Eh?)
Sea Monsters
The Afterlife
Mythology VS Religion
I am Afraid Of
The unknown
The sea
Brocken Hearts
My Future
The adult mind
"The Colossal Octopus" - THE KRAKEN
The Devil Hates Sex! - But God Loves It!
-By Father David, 20 May 1980
The Devil hates and fights sex! Just the opposite of what the Church teaches! All his pornography and dirty pictures is to downgrade and belittle sex and literally make it filthy! He belittles and downgrades and contaminates sex and does everything he can against sex because it's just about the most beautiful creation of God! The Devil is probably the World's greatest enemy of sex and for the system churches to have taught that sex was a temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden is one hell of a Goddamned doctrine of the devils!
Just think, sex is probably the most spiritual physical activity there is of everything about the body or the physical that comes the closest to something spiritual. An orgasm is really not just physical but it literally flips you out in the Spirit! It's a spiritual experience, just like a gateway to the Spirit World! With me, orgasms are really sometimes terrific spiritual explosions!
When Adam and eve were first created and first saw each other naked and went at it, they didn't have any guilt complexes or guilt consciousness that they were doing anything illegal or wrong or that there was anything the slightest bit wicked or sinful or evil about it! It was all the marvelous wonderful freedom and creation of God, all made for them to enjoy, and they knew it and they loved it and God enjoyed watching them!
I mean sex was one of their first and greatest blessings! I'm sure when they probably first saw each other naked, why dear Adam being the first and perfect man and tip top shape, he must have gone bloop direct immediately! And God probably showed them how to do it so they'd get busy! It was the first blessing in the Bible, the first commandment!
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I Love My Doggy
Tommy-Boi Total Homo ^^
I am Pagan
This Emperor was inspired by Cernunnos, the Continental Celtic Lord of Animals.
Cernunnos is the continental Celtic Lord of Animals. His name means "the Horned One". He was one of the major Gods worshipped by the Celts, and representations of Him are found all throughout Europe
A pagan is generally defined as a follower of a nature religion that is not part of Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. The word pagan comes from the latin word for country dweller, and was originally used as a derogatory term by the Romans to describe any country "hick" who was unsophisticated or practiced a non-mainstream religion (and incidentally the early Christians were called pagans by the Romans lol).
Wicca is then a subset of paganism. Wicca is a word first used around 50 years ago or so to define a type of religion reconstructed from what is thought to have been practiced by witches in ancient times, ie. a belief in the God and Goddess(in all Their many forms and names), honoring the Rede, (An it harm none, do as ye will), the Rule of Three (whatever you put out comes back to you three times), and celebrating the Wheel of the Year (the eight sabbats: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine, Litha, Lammas, and Mabon), full and new moons (Esbats)and practicing magick.
Dark Paganism
Dark Paganism is a form of Paganism which honors or identifies with deities of a darker nature. Such deities are often associated with death, war, magic, or other raw and untamable forces which many modern Pagans fear or even consider taboo. Dark deities would include Kali, Hades, Set, Loki, and Hekate.
All of the above definitions help explain what Dark Paganism is by touching upon the nature of how it is approached. These definitions tend to merge into each other and while some Dark Pagans may operate under all of these definitions, others may just fall under one. As with darkness itself, Dark Paganism cannot easily be defined. This is because darkness is by nature linked to our unconscious and thus is very personal. It is the nature of darkness to always remain elusive to strict delineation. The more one attempts to define it, the further one gets from it.
I have many patterns of worship that are quite distinct from the others. For me, every tree, every stone, every stream and pool, mountain and valley has and is a guardian spirit. These spirits must be appeased or bad things will happen, like a branch falling on your head or death from drowning.
In Search To Find AVALON
The word "Avalon" is from the British word lava, which means apple. Hence, Avalon is known as "The Island of Apples."
The most famed setting for Avalon is in the King Arthur legends. Evidently, Arthur's sword, Excalibur, was forged on the mystic Isle of Avalon. When Arthur was mortally wounded in battle with Mordred, he was carried off to the Isle of Avalon so that his wounds might be attended to.
When a man wanted to gain knowledge and power, he went to the forest to fast and pray, and an animal would come and teach him.
--Joseph Campbell, Power of the Myth
'The Munsters' is one of the most watched sitcomes I have ever viewed on TV. My grandmother loved it and so does my mother. Today, I watch it and my collection of their's is still growing.
My Tarot Craze
I do like to get a little bit 'too hands on' when reading my tarot cards. I like to help those that wish to seek something, personal or not. Never have I believed they are a game at all. The tarot is one of the most wonderful of human inventions. The idea of staring at a picture card and letting it reveal the future or mirror the soul is not one that austere critics are likely to find tantalizing, but the thought of such visionary mysticism obviously has its attraction.
Aquarius & Libra
Libra will find the love they have been looking for with Aquarius. Aquarius will see adventure, excitement and relief from boredom with beautiful and charming Libra. There will be instant attraction that escalates quickly to an undying attraction when these two meet and hook up for the first time. Libra will conclude that Aquarius is the only one for them and vice versa. The sooner these two get a room, the better off everyone will be.
In a love relationship, this is a wonderful situation, because it means that he (Libra) can be your best friend as well as being a great boyfriend. The Libra boy is a real romantic, and he is very creative in the ways that he’ll let you know he cares. He also has a light-hearted attitude to life and he will be very good at getting around your moody, eccentric streak. You’ll like the way he makes you look at the world, and he’ll love your quick mind and the physical attraction between you. A wonderful soulmate match.
Libra boy ADORES everything about Aquarius girl-from the way she looks, to, more importantly, the way her mind works. He'll hang on your every word and won't mind engaging in hour long conversations and debates about the world. You have a good natured, considerate companion in Mr. Libra, who will honor and respect you for who you are. A fantastic match if ever there was one.