Anything and all things pertaining to Ireland,Animal Rights, Right To Life, my grandsons and 9/11.
I also have rats that I love to death!Stupid people do meth!
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Veronica Guerin (Deceased) Gabriel Byrne Stuart Townsend Sinead O'Connor Enya Mickey Rourke Colin Farrell Seamus Kennedy (The Scotsman) Seven Nations Gaelic Storm Gerry Adams Bobby sands (Deceased) Former King Niall (Deceased) My former step-fathers dead wife Deanna so I can bring her back then kill her my own way! Darryl Worley Glenn Garry Bhuoys Jeff Bates Tracy Byrd Alan Rickman Bono Richard Greico....ABORTION IS MURDER!Sean is just as handsome as his dad John!
Celtic rock and Country.
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