Photography, pictures, camera, videos, gigs, bands, shoes, shirt, skirt, music, mp3, internet, my mobile, cd's, friends, scene, zine, tv, radio, tattoo, piercing, colorful socks, spagetti strap, pants, earings, lip gloss, soft hands, soft lips, soft skin, hugs&kisses, sweet, sweet smile, preety face, sexy, snob, naughty, pillows, bags, pink, blue flowers, stars, travels, roadtrip, chocolates, candies, spicy foods, friends, babies, dogs, cats, booze, etc..
Texas chainsaw masacre, wrong turn, freaky friday, the eye, the Ring, i am sam, kill bill, the hours, chicago, girl interrupted, benny and joone, sleepy hallow, interview w/ the vampire, house in the haunted hill, the others, moulin rougue, great expectation, forest gump, dead poet society. etc..