bjork. t0ri am0s. fiona apple. cardigans. m0onpo0ls & caterpillar. alanis. sarah mclachlan. club 8. the donnas. n0 d0ubt. the sundays. le tigre. yeahyeahyeahs. bloc party. the rentals. snow patrol. portishead. brazilian girls. save ferris. letters to cleo. the killers. the strokes. silverchair. coldplay. dashboardconfessional. death cab for cutie. mae. watashi wa. incubus. regina spektor. the dorques. corrine bailey rae.
Lie With Me. Abre los ojos. butterfly effect. trainspotting. 24 hour party people. almost famous. sunset strip. art school confidential.girl. eternal sunshine. half-baked. amelie. fight club. lords of dogtown. 10 things i hate about u. last holiday. tristan & isolde. sa huling paghihintaylove & sex.
that 70's show. project runway. antp. viva la bam. some jack tv shows.
some some..
my loved ones..