-(=eJaI=;)-hu hahaa...im interested bout carr.. clubbin clubbin..hehee..playing futsal..huhu...bowlingg...chattin..travellinn..hang out wit frenzz..& anytin is best 4 me to do..& adventuree...ahha^^ woho..;)
MY LOVE...AnybOdY...huhu...
wachaa...music in liFe.. huhu...^^ allll....laa..;
hehemm...actually.. de 1st movie i lik it is 2 fasT 2FuriOus.. huhu..best do.. klu sape yg minat cars la..hehe..of cos la lik me.. da...~;) nden..comedy movie... malay la yg best.. layan gaks... dudu...;)
~cartoon, korean drama..japanese drama.. and then ape2 citer yang funny..~
i am an open book