!!~ZaCk~!! profile picture


It takes a life time to find love and it only takes a moment to lose it forever.So if u love someone

About Me

Heya!!! ;-) My full name is Aizak Felmy...My birthday falls on 17th August....* Leo Boy *shy* quiet at first*cute person *out-going once u get to know me*I..m a cat lover*sarcastic at times *patience*very-very friendly* My favourite colours are Red n White*adventurous*hate being bored* sensitive * sometimes emotional* My favourite dishes Tom yam,Paprik, Spagheti yam..yamm..*laughing is good*Lastly not forgotten…teasing/joking become part of me hee..hee!!! ;) I am here coz i wanna get to know lots of new ppl.. willing to be a great fren.. a good listener.. Can give good advices too.. but when i fail to do so.. i'm always there to listen.. nothing that amazing about me.. and all i could offer is my friendship.. :) okey.. thats all the goodness in me.. badness about me?? hahaha.. who said that i'm not.. everyone has a devil in itself! nobody is perfect aight!! ;) Currently i am still bz with my studio.. anything you wanna know just buzz me aight! :) *wink*
Yahoo Messenger - [email protected]
MSN Messenger - [email protected]
MySpaceIM - [email protected]
. My Profile .
. Name .
. Age .
. Sex .
. Hometown .
. Race .
. Sexual .
. Orientation .

. Status .
. Sign .
. Interests .
. Education .
College Graduate
. Occupation .

My Interests

swimming, dancing, singing, music, tv, going out, dressing up, hanging out with friends, movies, performing.....

I'd like to meet:

a pErsOn whO's bEautiFuL inSiDe aNd OuTsiDe & dOwn tO EartH. A pErsOn whO's gOiNg tO bE a tRuE fRiENd aLwaYs whEthEr iN baD Or goOd timEs...


Rock...RnB....easy listening...


Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, lord of the rings 1, 2 and 3, 10 things i hate about you, 8 femmes, The matrix, the last samurai, the fast and the furious, 2fast 2furious, torque, ice age, master and commander and GANGSTER


buffy, charmed, friends, everybody loves raymond, futurama, simpsons, law and order:special victims unit, ally mc beal, titus, who's line is it anyway, just shoot me , American Idol, Akademi Fantasia?