swimming, dancing, singing, music, tv, going out, dressing up, hanging out with friends, movies, performing.....
a pErsOn whO's bEautiFuL inSiDe aNd OuTsiDe & dOwn tO EartH. A pErsOn whO's gOiNg tO bE a tRuE fRiENd aLwaYs whEthEr iN baD Or goOd timEs...
Rock...RnB....easy listening...
Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, lord of the rings 1, 2 and 3, 10 things i hate about you, 8 femmes, The matrix, the last samurai, the fast and the furious, 2fast 2furious, torque, ice age, master and commander and GANGSTER
buffy, charmed, friends, everybody loves raymond, futurama, simpsons, law and order:special victims unit, ally mc beal, titus, who's line is it anyway, just shoot me , American Idol, Akademi Fantasia?