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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Artist, musician, will talk you under the table. Grudgingly self-confessed witch after the insistence of not a few. Token estrogen quotient in the stones lime. Wicked sense of humour, and I mean wicked. My favourite thing in the world is a good conversation with an intelligent human being. Aside from that, reading a good book always gets me.
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You are the Empress card. The Empress is the archetype of the Mother. She creates and nurtures life. She represents the abundance of Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of using nature in a productive way. She espouses art for art's sake. Her planet is Venus, and she embodies love of beauty and a strong value system. Here is also found initial sensation. This is the first really physical experience of the world that The Fool has entered. The Empress has a rich understanding of the world based on her five senses. In a reading, The Empress represents pregnancy, actual or metaphorical. She indicates an act of creation and a sensual experience of beauty. The Empress is a nurturing force that wishes to see the product of her experiences reach the next stage of development. Image from A Photographic Tarot Deck
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My Interests

Well hell, what DON'T I do? Well my business card says I'm a graphic designer and illustrator, so that's how I pay the bills. I'm always picking up new hobbies however, and I've been dabbling in making glass beads, doing some painting lately, drawing (as usual), and singing and writing music, and my latest obsession is printing t-shirts. I taught myself how to screenprint. Making your own t-shirts rocks.

I'd like to meet:

Artists, musicians, free spirits and critical thinkers. People who want to express themselves and make a difference in the world. If you want to add me as a friend 'cause you think I'll look good amongst the collection of hot women you have on your page, forget it. I check your page before I add friends. I'm not here for that. If however you have something interesting to say, feel free to pop in!


I listen to all kinds of music, from Conscious to Trance/Electronica, to Classic Rock to Alternative. If I had to pick one band I really love it would be the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They rock. Local music? Coreysan, 12, Jointpop and of course the bestest ever, Orange Sky, love you guys. Others include Zero 7, Thievery Corporation, Prince, Led Zeppelin, Ambrosia, Eagles, Earth Wind and Fire, AC/DC, Bob, Depeche Mode, Eurythmics, Simply Red, Jane's Addiction, The Pixies, Violent Femmes, Queen, Rusted Root, Phish, Supertramp, Tears for Fears, The Doors, Toto, Yoyo-Ma, Fleetwood Mac, Bruce Bec Var, Boney James, Michael Buble...well I could go on and on. But these are some of my favourites.


Love to watch movies, big fan. My favourites kind of run the gamut, from The Professional to When Harry Met Sally, and everything in between but probably my favourite is The Color Purple. I love movies like A Clockwork Orange and Brazil. Terribly disturbing but incredibly funny in their own way. V for Vendetta was great too. Love the Princess Bride (watch out for those ROUS's). And Pan's Labyrinth! Watch it! It's amazing.


I'm pretty hooked on Veronica Mars. Try not to get too sucked into the boob tube but if I miss Grey's Anatomy I can get pretty tizzik. And I love me some House MD. I have the biggest crush on Hugh Laurie.


Just re-read The Red Tent. Such an awesome book. Looking for something new to read. Tackling War and Peace or some such epic novel (found it downstairs the other day, who knew?) but it's a teeeeny tiny bit depressing. Now onto Jane Eyre and The Highly Sensitive Person. My most re-read book is The Color Purple. Have read it close to ten times I think. When I'm not reading books, I read cards.


Free spirits, free thinkers and peacemakers. Mahatma Gandhi...I love me some Bob too.

My Blog

Time Out

I feel the need to take a time out from my social life. I'm in a contemplative mood lately. I think I've been around people too much lately or something. No I don't think that's it. Perhaps it's j...
Posted by Natasha on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:41:00 PST

I Have A Hangover...

*groan* Or maybe it’s just a headache I don’t feel too hangovery...But I did have too much to drink last night. I was having so much fun! Ok let me start from the beginning. The magazi...
Posted by Natasha on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:46:00 PST

Ok New Blog

Ok so I wrote a blog tonight and I removed it because I just didn’t like it. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the subject matter so much as I felt that it was unfocused and scattered in...
Posted by Natasha on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:07:00 PST

One Sweet Love

I’ve been thinking about love a lot lately. I’ve been wondering how you know when the person that you’re with is the right one. Is it a feeling you get? Does your body start to ti...
Posted by Natasha on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:33:00 PST

Fan Club

So I was having an online chat the other day with a good friend of mine who lives abroad. He was waxing reminiscent of the time he spent here. It seems that when he had come down to Trinidad he met a ...
Posted by Natasha on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:34:00 PST

The Center of The Universe

So there I go again thinking that I'm the center of the universe and that everything revolves around me. Honestly, I don't think of myself as a selfish and self-centered person. I give a lot of myse...
Posted by Natasha on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:58:00 PST

Here’s to You

I wanted today to make a list, of thanks to some special people in my life....One day I will be gone. Hopefully they will see this at some point. Thank YOU!To Chris: For showing me what is possible...
Posted by Natasha on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 02:01:00 PST

This Is Our Secret Selves

I'm feeling out of sorts. Like I'm wearing somebody else's skin or something. I feel uncomfortable. I can't find peace inside my head. Why is it when I'm alone it's the only time I feel balanced? ...
Posted by Natasha on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:29:00 PST

Lovey Lazy Sunday

Well I didn't go out last night. By the time Ashok called me back I was all vegged out on the couch and his friends had decided to lime in Chaguanas anyhow. I was relieved as I'd no energy for partyi...
Posted by Natasha on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 07:21:00 PST

Two Weeks of Singledom...

Scotsman's gone home today for two weeks. : (I'm gonna miss him. BUT I'll be keeping busy. Got a lot of work on my plate right now and while I thought I'd just have a quiet night in, Glitter called...
Posted by Natasha on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:19:00 PST