TiANANMEN profile picture


Sparring with burning buildings

About Me

Tiananmen are an epic fusion of Rock, Metal, and Hardcore, with crunching riffs, driving beats and soaring melodies. Tiananmen approach a deep, wide ocean of issues. Ranging from inner city redevelopment and conformism, to the fragility of mankind, and the future of Earth.
Before forming in April 2006, the bulk of the band existed in various forms with Lee (guitar) and Jamie (drums) collaborating with many members before finding Ben (bass), and later, after a long search, Nate on vocals.
Tiananmen's debut EP is available to purchase now. Click the pic on the left. The 6 track EP was recorded at Treehouse studios by Carl Bown(Fightstar/Laruso/Mybe).
Tiananmen are currently recording their second EP at their home studio. Tracks will be available real soon!Check out the video for Borders and Barricades, by Matt Taabu (AngelEgo Films), below.
Tiananmen - Borders & Barricades
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A Re-Cut version of our Borders and Barricades video by Nicky.
Lee smells

My Interests


Member Since: 5/23/2006
Band Website: tiananmen.co.uk
Band Members:

The Mechanical Light Of A Futureless Skyline


Track Listing:

1. The Ceremony of Entering The City
2. Utopia
3. Death Of A Laugh Track Audience
4. Safe Inside The Storm
5. Canvas/Carcass
6. The Glory And The Horror

£4.75 Inc PP


Currently Out Of Stock :(
Sounds Like:

here's how the EP was made..!

Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Playing Sheff Carling Academy 2 Opening Show!!

Word!   We’ve been asked to play the grand opening and first EVER show at the the new Sheffield Carling Academy 2 on the 17th April! Hooray!     Now, since the Academy 2* only h...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 04:50:00 PST

Carling Academy Showcase!! Thursday 3rd April WSL

Hey! we’ve been selected to play a showcase at west street live tnext thursday 3rd april for the chance to go forward and play the sheffield carling academy! heats are all next week at various p...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:13:00 PST

Tiananmen/Subnova Hit The High Road!

Hey ratfans!So, as you may have seen were off on our first offical 'Tour' on Thursday (6th March). It's only a mini tour, but its in the Highlands of Scotland so we are dead excited! Especially as we ...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 03:50:00 PST

Borders&Barricades Re-Cut!!

A while back we did a video for an old song of ours 'Borders and Barricades', well, heres a re-edit by Nicky, just for kicks like!! Cheers Nicky! ...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:06:00 PST

Tiananmen On The Wireless!

Bro's n ho's !! We're going to be featured on Sheffield Live radio this sunday (24th Feb) as local band of the fortnight. Tune in from 3 till 5 for the Underground Cliche show, which plays lots of loc...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 02:34:00 PST

Tiananmen Open For Sheff United!

Anyone who was at the Sheff united Vs Middlesbro game on sunday (17th Feb 08) may have heard a familiar tune as the players came out onto the pitch. It was us! hoorah! Through some miracle of friends...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:14:00 PST

New Years Update!

Welcome to 2008 y'all! Hope you all had a boomio christmas/hannukah/insert religious holiday. Just a quick update to let ya know what were doin in the 1st quarter. Were not gigging in january, we...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 01:55:00 PST

Tiananmen&Laruso! London! 12th Nov!

Woo! We've been invited down to play our first show in the capital city, by our good friends 'Laruso' (www.myspace.com/laruso) on 12th November 2007. And we want you to come aswell! There may we...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:04:00 PST

1 song, 1 month, 1000 plays!

hey! So the new tracks have been up for a month now and 'Ceremony ' has had over 1000 plays! which is pretty sweet! I realise some may have been flukes and autoplays (does it count to a play if u cut ...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 05:46:00 PST


Hey! We've got three new tracks up on our player from our new EP 'The Mechanical Lights Of A Futureless Skyline'. Since you cant see the full names, they are: The Ceremony of Entering The City Death o...
Posted by TiANANMEN on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:06:00 PST