Seriously, I love Shaolin Soccer! It changed my life! i love being naked outside. i love the rain... i like to walk in it and play soccer in it. my bike and my house plants fill the "kids gap" in my heart. i'm crafty. not artistic, but crafty. i love my garden and love to cook. i swear like a trucker. i like to drink too much and make questionable decisions. i find things funny in ways that most people just don't understand and then i find THAT funny. i think the human body is endlessly fascinating and have found a perfectly suitable professional outlet for that. it's really fun in my brain and that frequently translates directly to me having my foot in my mouth and that's okay.i heart my roommates!
Stephen Chow!possibly you... i can't make any promises, but there's a chance.
i have a big lady boner for Stephen Chow and neko case. let that be known. i like a lot of other music, too... i promise. however, what is most important at the moment is that my gracious, glorious, great, grand, gifty father passed along a banjo to me. can i play? no. not yet. but i am strong willed, strong armed and i have incredible manual dexterity. watch me!
SHAOLIN SOCCER!!!!! this is a list that i am going to start making on paper (probably some envelope i find on the sidewalk) because every time i come here, i freeze. quit trying to put me on the spot.
don't watch it. unless it's Shaolin Soccer on a made for TV movie!
The biography of Stephen Chow. extremely loud & incredibly close, the spirit catches you and you fall down, way of the peaceful warrior, where the red fern grows, the bfg, catcher in the rye, oh the places you'll go, history of love, anything by david sedaris, heartbreaking work of staggering genius, to be continued...
i have many. Stephen Chow is my biggest hero!