MOTORCYCLES!Anything that captivates me! I am a people watcher. Dancing,dANCING,dANCING, Music,Staying in shape, Health,MY KIDS,Reading, Bowling, Ice Skating, Shopping, Long walks outdoors on a beautiful day! Anything that happens to grab my attention. I love to take pictures, though I'm not very good at it! Nothing better than a bike ride! Good southern cooking! Mexican Food! Boats!Water!fLOWERS,ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, pRETTY MUCH ANYTHING WHICH TAKES PLACE OUTDOORS!
aNYONE worth having a GOOD CONVERSATION with. I find all people iNTERESTING. You never know what one can learn from a single conversation! Anyone with a good sense of humor!mY SON IN hEAVEN! RANDOM PEOPLE WITH SOMETHING TO SAY!
It's impossible to list every band or type of music I'm into.I LOVE IT ALL!I love music and everything that goes with it! I'm mostly into rock!Support your local musicians!
I loved the fANTASTIC fOUR!My all time favorite movie is called "The legend of 1900". Most people have never heard of it, but it is amazing! I feel everyone should see this movie,ESPEACIALLY THOSE WHO LOVE MUSIC."Walk the line" AND mOST RECENTLY "THE iLLUSIONIST".
CSI, House,American Idol:Did I say CSI?
Whatever hEALTH magazines I can get my hands on(THEY KEEP ME MOTIVATED TO STAY IN SHAPE).Trashy romance novels and whatever else I start reading. Problem is, if I start a good book I will read the whole thing before ANYTHING else gets done!pHYSIOLOGY STUFF,bIOLOGY BOOKS...i KNOW, BUT i LOVE IT!!
Conner is my superhero.I miss him more than anyone could possibly imagine.