Music, Fashion, Art, Family/Friends, & Goooood mutha-uckin' times, Amazing Greenery CEE AYE ALLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAY! Shout out to all my Chronic Avengers!
My SOUL MATE... I've met him already, he KNOWS who he is!
I LOVE & RESPECT REAL HIP-HOP! Do you know the 5 elements of Hip-Hop?? If you don't, go take a bite out an apple, and give yourself the belt!I also love soul music, reggae, R&B (I'm picky though with the R&B - REAL PICKY), jazz including(African & Cuban)! Gotta love spanish musica tanbien! The drums and bass get me everytime... I'll list the illest soon...
COMEDIES, Gangsta flicks, some Dramas, and of course you gotta have the romancey-shmancey's up in there.
Spiritual, Cultural, Business, Art
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
GOD, My Mami, and all the single mother's out there doin' their thing (you better keep your kids, make them your PRIORITY, not yourselves)! Straight-up! To the fathers out there... be there for your kids NO MATTER WHAT and MAN-UP!! If you're already there raisin' your seeds right then GOD bless you, and be at peace!