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It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.
- Wendell Berry
Red Wine is nothing without friends & lovers to drink it with. I love slutty chrsitian and post-christian imagery (ala- modern satanic or of the late 1800's folkish variety. 1920's photography makes me horny. Mysticism brings out the child in my heart. I dig the idea of meditation, but I rarely do much as I'd like too. I'm a brutal fighter and a tender lover. I don't waste my time hating the people who hate, in fact a lot of my friends hate for all sorts of reasons, alot of them love too much as well. I do not like assholes, nor do I like being arround passive agressive cowards that bitch about assholes. Nor do I want to here are nation-wide fear nonsense from the media.
Colourful things, people, conversations, and clothing make life worth living. Enjoying passion & intellect with the same vigor is a must if you ask me. And emotions are great when I can act on one or two while receiving & giving the desired effect. Autumn has a great body! Nicco is my best friend. Lisa makes me cry everytime we hang. Shawni gives great hugs. Marie I don't see enough. Doug & Laural suck for living in Texas. Jamie from Combat Astronomy is uber fun to talk to about everything - cuz he gets it. Jonas(Drakh) & I shop for womens' dresses. Joe Tower is a sweetheart and his GF Betty is a hotty. Aidan Baker makes the best ambient music on the planet!! My family rocks hardcore! Living in Minnesota is a lonely but a thoughtful experience. And I miss my mother + the lasagna she used to make.
Cordell believe's deeply in real love, therefore he supports gay & bi & hetero & other styles of loving relationships.
Cordell does in fact utterly hate wasting time, cuz life in this body is too short and painful.
Did I mention that Cordell is an artist + a sound artist + a writer + a ton of other human-like things??? *winks*
Cordell really doesn't like talking in the third person.
But I am one of them there arty peoplez. If you go to www.doctsect.com you'll find a bunch of stuff there that I do.. or just google search my name. :)
We should cultivate the ability to say no to activities for which we have no time, no talent, and which we have no interest or concern. If we learn to say no to many things, then we will be able to say YES to things that matter most.
- Roy Blauss
favorite record lables are:
trente oiseaux
no colours
mystery sea
cyclic law
aural hypnox
..right now I'm listening to a lot of
favorites include (but not limited to) the following:
Tomas Philips, Ryoji Ikeda, Destroy Mercedes, Snow Patrol, Superelvis, Asher, Federico Monti, Michael Trommer, International Harvester, Harvester, Kuwayama-Kijima, SportLov, The Editors, Do Make Say Think, Nasum, Modest Mouse, Calla, Apteka, !!Graveland!!, (old) Lord Wind, Prosaics, Elefant, Mogwai, Stephen Mathieu, Matt Borghi, Barlow-Peterson-Wivinis, Aidan Baker, Heath Yonites, Bernhard Gunter, Bloc Party, Tuxedomoon, Orphx, November Novelet, Never Known, Haus Arafna, Velvet Cacoon, COH, Drumlake, Maikko, Mysticum, Idaho, Ras Algethi, Brain, j.frede, Liquid Sphere, POS, Sims, Suspicion Breeds Confidence, Combat Astronomy, Xasthur, WIGRID!!, STRIID!!!, Gnarls Barkley, Branikald, Sogar, Massimo, THE MOON LAY HIDDEN BENEATH A CLOUD, Disembowelment, NOVY SVET!!!, Beyond Dawn, The Dears, Autolux, Joy Division, Brighter Death Now, Schloss Tegal, The White Stripes, The Arcade Fire, Idlewild, Bad Sector, (old) Burzum, Shuttle358, Komet, (old) Christian Death, (old) Lycia, Bleak, Inslaughter Natives, Radiohead, loveliescrushing, bjork, The Faint, Oil10, Voice of Eye, (old) Wu-Tang, Current 93, Coil, Daniel Mench, Manes, Ildjarn, Mag Wheels, Pan American, Khold, steinbruchel, Ved Buens Ende, NTT, Stratvm Terror, Institute, A Tribe Called Quest, The Monks, Cesaria Evora, IRM, Deutch Nepal, Imminent Starvation, I Shalt Become, Satanic Warmaster, Antony & The Johnsons, Three Michelle Gun Elephant, Frou Frou, Chaos As Shelter, Amon, DARKTHRONE!!, Swans, Signal, Byetone, John Hudak, Komet, Mauve Sideshow(and all the side projects), Timothy Renner (and all his side projects), Dul Drv, Vend, Skoltz-Kolgen, Doran Sadja, Steve Roden, ..etc...
this makes me giggle a lot!