I forget my name, not all the time
I can't write numbers I forget how
I have a bad memory (if you haven't noticed)
I run into walls
I have a low self-esteem
I hate the way I am
I studded when I am nervous and that’s most of the time
I am skinny
I haven’t been asked out ever
I have the worst mouth ever
I drink all the time
I am in debt...
I drive like a maniac
I don’t ever have any money cause I don’t save
I am always the one that gets dumped
I want to be a Muppet for a living
I never sleep
I never say what needs to be said at the right time
I like weird people
I like a lot of people but no one likes me
I play guitar
I can skateboard
I’m not really an asshole even if I say otherwise.
I’m a 100 % Hispanic, born and raised down in Puerto Rico
I have a sickening addiction to pasta
I love totally random humor.
I’m a full blown geek.
I’m a sucker for useless shit
I'm a shy guy at first but when feel comfortable I let loose.
I’m not looking for a relationship, at least not planning on it
Girls with piercings are hot
I plan on getting a couple of tattoos.
I love NJ
I’m not very good "talking to girls"
I can be very sarcastic at times.
I have a thing for wearing hat
"How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd..."...