Spending quality time with my hubby and kitty, traveling, food, my parents, figuring out how we can move to Ireland, politics, bike riding, wine, picnics and naps by the lake, the White Sox, learning to play my not-so-new-anymore guitar, exploring the city, museums, Chicago aldermen, primates, cereal, photography, Stringer Bell
My favorite place on Earth!! Inishowen, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Old friends and new friends!
Johnny has introduced me to a lot of new music. These days I'm usually listening to Tortoise, David Gray, Lunasa, The Wedding Present, Rachid Taha, Sam Prekop, The Evens, King Tubby, Ruts DC. I'm really into Fugazi lately! Of course I still listen to my old favorites like Cake, Live, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Everclear, Led Zeppelin, Jethro Tull...
The Karate Kid, Space Camp, The Lord of the Rings, The Royal Tenenbaums, To Have and Have Not, The Godfather, American Beauty, The Lost Boys, Moonlight and Valentino, The Sting, Apollo 13, From Dusk til Dawn, The Birds, Staying Alive, The Piano, Little Nikky, The Right Stuff, Ben Hur, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice, all Disney/Pixar movies, Funny Girl, Dog Day Afternoon, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Three Colors Trilogy
PBS, The Wire
Watership Down, Blindness, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Joy Luck Club, The Stand, Primate Adaptation and Evolution, The Chosen, The Story About Ping, Coyotes, Return to Laughter
My Mom and Dad