Ferrocia Couture profile picture

Ferrocia Couture

Expect nothing, and anything seems like everything. Expect anything and everything seems like nothin

About Me

I'm me. Who ever truly knows who they are until they are put into a situation of choice?

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My Interests

Random things. I take interest in some of the weirdest things... I do love creating little creatures... watching bad tv... mocking customers... hanging with friends.. shaking my money maker.

Bubble Elements

so addictive... not for the color blind

I'd like to meet:

A man who is looking to have a "grown up" relationship. Someone that realizes relationships are not always convenient, and the work you put into it should be well worth it. A fun, out going person, with a great sense of humor, intelligent, quirky, driven, patient, respectful, and has a realistic out look on his future. Also, someone who can share common goals with me, encourage me to follow mine. Basically a partner in life. A friend first, lover second. And someone who is always himself. I can't stand people who are assholes to one person, and sweet as honey to everyone else.


Totally NOT Geisha... but damn... Richard Kruspe from Rammstein... he deserves a place on my page!


I love bad movies... Not like B films... straight up Hollywood over priced movies that just fucking bomb... Except Gigli... I have some pride. And of course, I love Sad Panda Movies... ha ha ha

I love ZOMBIE movies... I am convinced one day, Zombies, Rage, Virus or Terrorism will cause a complete melt down of society as we know it. Besides, if you really pay attention to the movie.. The symbols really show you what society is. Lifeless... With a few hanging on... And they are willing to do anything to survive... And notice, the black guy always goes first? WTF...


Robot Chicken, Rescue Me, Nip Tuck, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, American Dad.... Anything that can make me laugh for 30 minutes.


Right now trying to expand my mind by reading books byauthors I found a bit... well... let's just say on a different level then my normal reading. I have finished Haunted and Choke by Chuck Palahnuik... Starting on Black Hole by Burns.... Graphic novel.... :) If you have any reccomendations for me, let me know!



My Blog

How Important Are Looks?

Been reading this book, titled, LOOKS. I am really enjoying it, because it's based off of factual experiments. Study after study have shown that of course, looks rate highest in importance when looki...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:40:00 PST

1 Guy, 3 Girls.....

I do have some damn good friends. They come by my store to say howdy. Karate Chicka stopped by and went to lunch with me. She is so sweet. And I love how her mind works. It's so straight forward ...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:27:00 PST

Last Night

You know how you have this idea in your head... and it sounds awesome, but once you actually apply it, you realize it was not such a great idea? Yea... that was last night. Talked with Bug about quitt...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:11:00 PST

No, It Tastes Funny

My Mother apparently has lost all sense of taste and smell. Our water now smells and tastes like rotten veggies... Yea, REALLY great.. so if I happen to stink, please ignore it. Got a call from my bos...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:22:00 PST

People... Funny Little People

When I get upset, or scared, I sort of pull back into my head, and watch people, as if life were just a television show.Probably very unhealthy, but I do it anyways. It makes me feel better.. like cha...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:51:00 PST

Shit Comes In 3’s Bitches

First off, amazed that M, my boss actually called me this morning before I got to work. Wanted to let me know he would be more then happy to come down today and take care of that "Little Pisher". I al...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Mon, 12 May 2008 12:27:00 PST

I Was REALLY REALLY Pissed Off and Scared

I woke up today, sorta knowing it was going to just be one of those days... Felt it yesterday when I woke up.But as I had done yesterday, decided to make the best of things. There is no avoiding life....
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:03:00 PST

Blow Me Away

Sometimes the guilt and expectations from others can make you wish existance was no more. Wishing for the silence to end, but begging for the bitching to never begin. So fucking tired of the deep sigh...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:56:00 PST

Beauty Mafia

We won't kill you, but we will...1. Turn your hair green2. Make it all fall out3. Give you disgusting pimples4. Sell your children into slavery5. And talk down to you.. and make you love every minute ...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

Political Bosses... Meh

I can understand in this day and age, that people can't really show any type of true reaction to anything. You tend to get the sympathy that you would get when you scrape your knee at 26yrs of age. "...
Posted by Ferrocia Couture on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:23:00 PST