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i'm so tired of being ms. sweetness and light...
i am a writer. i write fiction, nonfiction, erotica, poetry, essays, short stories, and multiple unfinished novels.
i am a healer. i help my clients find their healthiest selves using massage and energy techniques as well as other things i've learned over the fifteen years i've been interested in natural healing.
i am a non-custodial mother. not because i'm not a good mother, but because the system is unjust and because the one with the most money, the one who is closest to the middle-class normative lifestyle 'wins'.
i am an anarchist, but i don't believe in anarchism.
the revolution is not going to happen tomorrow - it's never going to happen. it's taking place right now. it is an alternate universe that coexists with this one, and you can step into it any time you like.
the revolution will not be on television. nothing will be on television...or at least if anything is, no one will notice.
the revolution might not be able to feed or house or heal you at all times, but hunger and thirst and cold and even sickness will trouble you a lot less.
the revolution will not furnish you with infallible birth control. it will usher in communities in which raising children is not such a terrifying, isolating prospect.
the revolution will not mean that you finally get what you deserve. it will give you treasures no one could ever deserve, just as it will hurt sometimes with a pain that nothing in your life has warranted.
the revolution will not arrive with loud guitars and dance beats. it will teach you how anything can become an instrument, show you how to make music out of moving, cooking, dancing, kissing, fighting, imagining.
the revolution will not offer you free beer and drugs, but it might make the world a place that you can enjoy without them.
the revolution will not help you lose weight or tone those flabby thighs. it will help you to see how beautiful your belly and thighs and stretch marks and acne are.
the revolution will not give you more muscle mass or train you in martial arts; but it may make it possible for you to feel safe around strangers for once.
the revolution will not organize camping trips in the forest. walking down the street will finally be profound enough; or perhaps the streets you walk down will be in the forest.
the revolution will not provide you with a new car. it will bring the places you want to be closer to home, and make the roads more pleasant traveling.
the revolution will not enable everyone to go shopping at the most expensive stores. it will enable people to find happiness and pleasure in simple poverty.
the revolution will not come with pirated cable and free long distance and instant messenger programs. it will help you to be where you are, to share time and happiness with whoever is around you.
the revolution will not make it possible for you to take care of yourself. it will give you other people to take care of, who will take care of you in return.
the revolution will not provide you with the man or woman of your dreams. it will train you to speak the languages in which the unique beauty of the ones already around you are written.
the revolution will not be simple or clean or easy. it will help you to find meaning in difficult things, to not be afraid of complexity or contradiction, to get your hands dirty and like it.
stats /////////
age :: thirty-eight
body :: sexy curves
status :: open to whatever happens
here for :: communciation
orientation :: pansexual
hometown :: norman
occupation :: revolutionary
crusty punks
musicians, always musicians!
anybody who defies "normal"
people who want to be my friends!
real people!!!
if i haven't met you face-to-face, or don't know you "in real life", i'm not likely to add you. sorry. too many pretenders in my life already.
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