Online Now IconsI've been the leader of Cuba since 1959, when I overthrew the government led by Fulgencio Batista. I transformed Cuba into my personal property by making Cuba the first Communist country in the Western Hemisphere.I first attracted attention in Cuba by my nationalism, critizing Batista and US corporate & political influence in Cuba. I then worked on South and Central Americans by tricking them into funding me.I made speeches on how Cuba would be a Socialist country.. I wanted Cuba and I would anything to make it mine and only mine. I collected a lot of money from these people,it was like taking candy from a baby. I started my revolution in Cuba..It was easy, when you tell a bunch of lazy people that you'll give them free rides taken from the rich it's like covering an ant hill. They were excited to work with me.. When the rich heard about this they all left Cuba leaving it all to ME. Those who didn't leave and opposed my regim were thrown into jail, killed,tortureded or castrated.
Once I was free of them I concentrated on student activism,I used them as my army. Today I am so satisfied all the teachers were brainwashed as are all the children I have given instruction to. As a matter of fact all cubans in Cuba are controlled rebels. They don't have freedom of speech. They know everything about the revolution and they are happy to be free of the riches and freedom of the USA. When Cuba was influenced by the USA, our people had no rescpect for themselves. Our young women and men were prostitutes,selling their bodies to American men to make a living. Today this has changed, they don't sell their bodies to American men but to European men. Many European men come to Cuba looking for fun. Here they fall in love and find themselves involved with immoral Cuban women. That is not my problem. I only control what happens in my little country.On an international level I have been defined as evil.The truth is that I am The Father of Cuba,though I have failed as a real father.
(My own daughter escaped and asked for political assylum in the USA)
I take care of my people. I give them healthcare, streets and education. I don't teach them how to be complete beings I give them what they need to survive here.(No morals or love just survial needs)
I demand their respect in exchange of what I give.If they do not comply I "take care of them".I own a country therefore the murders I commit are kept secret. At times,I have to deal with those who left Cuba and left family behind but I can always threating their children and they know my power and keep quiet.After the failed,Thanks to John F.Kennedy, Bay of Pigs,invasion of Cuba in 1961 by those citizens who wanted their country back. We always fear that the US will attack us. Well, that's what I tell my people to keep them in control. Most of the Cubans who left Cuba in the 50's are dead or too old to put up a fight and take what I took from them.
I had a close relationship with the Soviet Union until its collapse in 1991. Only I have been successful in keeping a Communist country working. I have a lot of tourist coming from Europe,mainly men. I have a few companies interested in working in Cuba but don't want to have to give me 80% of the profit. So I can not allow them entrance. In essence I am the biggest and oldest contractor alive.
I'm here to tell you what Communism really is-I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I don't care I only care about my fat ass..
All of Compañero Michael Moore's films
Che: It's a good thing he's dead ..I'm sure he'd be upset to know what I really did to cuba... I thank him for helping me take Cuba..