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Benjamin Luke


About Me

My name is Benjamin Luke and I'm 29 years old. I am the proud father of a bouncing, bold baby girl named Emanuelle Grace. She's got my lips and chin and likes to dance. I also have a wee fulla, newborn, named Felix. He's almost six months old now as I write this. What huge big thumbs he has! Their mother is one helluva lady too. Respect to Mother Bearest. Without her budgeting skills, patience and heart of gold good nature, then the whole operation would collapse in a musty heap. I work fulltime in a library doing all sorts of weird things: teaching, organizing, ordering, testing, faffing... I also play guitar and keys in Heavy Jones - a 4 piece band who have recieved several glowing reviews in the local broadsheets for our signature brand of earnest fusion rock. I also play guitar and keys in The Reduction Agents: a 4 piece band who have recieved several glowing reviews in the local broadsheets for our signature brand of rawkus, reliced rock. I have a hard time not joining bands, esp. if I like the songs and the people. I still haven't learnt to drive and this can be a drag for some of my front wheelin' buddies. I have dreams of owning a nice wee house in the country one day with perhaps enough room for a band space/projects room/barn/garage. I will divide my time between mastering the pedal steel guitar, brewing ginger beer and perhaps playing chess online with the elusive Bobby Fischer. He was/is an anti-semite currently living, in exile, in iceland, but he sure could play chess. I also look forward to the day when I have no use for FX pedals - just a guitar into a a really nice, low wattage tube amp. Well, maybe a fuzz...

My Interests

Cooking, family, collecting waddingtons boardgames, chess, Cormac McCarthy, 70's Fender guitars, low wattage amps that sound great when plugged straight into, my 1969 Gibson SG, stepping on my fuzz pedal at appropriate/inappropriate moments and launching into blistering coda/fade-out solo's that are always far too loud it would seem....

I'd like to meet:

Someone who remembers the short lived (1978-1979) Hanna Barbera cartoon 'Fangface'.Manic Street Preachers live video for 'Motown Junk'. Brilliant! Must be watched with the volume WAY up.Snooker bad-boy Ronnie O'Sullivan with fastest official 147 (maximum possible) break ever! Clocks in at 5:20 I believe. From the crucible theatre, embassy world championship in 1997. He's just 21 years old here."Technique is the ability to translate your ideas into sound through your instrument. This is a comprehensive technique...a feeling for the keyboard that will allow you to transfer any emotional utterance into it. What has to happen is that you develop a comprehensive technique and then say, Forget that. I’m just going to be expressive through the piano." - Bill Evans


AC/DC-Powerage, Led Zeppelin II, T-Rex-Electric Warrior, Wilco-Summerteeth, Richard Hawley-Late Night Final, John Mayall's Bluesbreakers-A Hard Road, Neko Case-Blacklisted, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers-Anthology (through the years), Chris Isaak-Forever Blue, REM-Up, Elvis Costello-Get Happy, John Coltrane-Coltranes Sound, Kenny Burrell-Midnight Blue, Grant Green-Idle Moments, Bill Evans-Portrait In Jazz, Ted Leo & The Pharmacists-The Tyranny of Distance, Jimi Hendrix-Blues, Big Star-Radio City/#1 Record, Mike Batt-Waves, Cyndi Lauper-She's So Unusual, Manic Street Preachers-Generation Terrorists, The Proclaimers-This is The Story, The Darkness-Permission to Land, Cat Stevens-Teaser and the Firecat, Simon and Garfunkel-greatest hits, Guns 'N' Roses-Use Your Illusion 1, The Band-The Band, Beck-Mutations, Cotton Mather-Kontiki, Elliott Smith-Figure 8, The Kinks-Are the village green society, Lambchop-awcmon/noyoucmon, Nicky Wire-I Killed the Zeitgeist, Warren Zevon-Excitable Boy, Neil Young-After the Goldrush, Outkast-Big Boi & Dr Dre present..., Pink Floyd-The Wall, Primal Scream-Riot City Blues, Queen-Sheer Heart Attack, The Police-Ghost In The Machine, Rolling Stones-Beggars Banquet, Sparklehorse-Its a Wonderful Life, Supergrass-In It For The Money, Hole-Live Through This, Shihad-(the fish album).


The Thing, In the mouth of madness, JAWS, Empire of the Sun, Star Wars, Wallace and Gromit: curse of the were rabbit, An American Werewolf in London, Halloween, Poltergeist, Unforgiven, Full Metal Jacket, Wild at Heart, Clash of the Titans, Army of Darkness a.k.a Evil Dead III, Dog Soldiers, 28 Days Later, A History of Violence.


The IT crowd, Top Gear, League of gentlemen, Ann from Little Britain - "eh eh ehhhhh", Samurai Jack, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, The Simpsons.


No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, Success by Martin Amis, The Drowned World by J G Ballard, If I Die In A Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien, One Train Later by Andy Summers, Everything: a book about Manic Street Preachers by Simon Price, True Adventures of The Rolling Stones by Stanley Booth, How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head by Bill Peet, Z for Zachariah by Robert O'Brien.


Stephen Hendry, Jimmy Page, John Carpenter, Mum, Mike Campbell, Me Missus...,

My Blog

Third Stone from The Sun - SRV live from the El Mocambo

More guitar geekery. This video here, apart from being a great interpretation of the Hendrix tune, serves as a testament to just how much punishment a 4 bolt Strat can take! Check out the part w...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:40:00 PST

You too can do U2 speak! It's easy!

Ever felt the need to suddenly break into Bono-speak? At some time or another many of us have no doubt wished we had the charismatic interview/acceptance speech/UN petitioning skills that the B-meiste...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:09:00 PST

My favourite SG inclined guitarists

Gary Louris (The Jayhawks/Golden Smog) Ahhh yes. His harmony singing is fantastic, and his fuzz lead and subtle manipulation of the vibrato bar puts him into the catergory of 'genius'. Angus Youn...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:55:00 PST

Benjamin Luke's top 5 films for the holiday period that begin with the letter B

1. Battle Of Britain A roll-call of some of the great (English) actors of the late seventies - James Fox, Robert Shaw, Michael Caine. 2. Big I know. It's Tom Hanks. "Throw Thermal pod." 3. Best In Sho...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 01:41:00 PST

Shoebox kookiness

Best guitar sound ever, or favourite guitar sound at the moment, would have to be Keith's opening chord slashes on 'Street Fighting Man'. Sounds kind of like a open tuned, overdriven amplified ac...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:03:00 PST

Eats Four Sticks

Absolutley bam-boozeled by the amount of people on My Space that spell Led Zeppelin 'Led Zepplin'. I know it's an annoying and slight thing to point out but the blog is surely the platform o...
Posted by Benjamin Luke on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 04:23:00 PST