About Me
I have spent the last two years playing in both the Ruby Suns on drums and the Brunettes on bass and penning my own works in the meantime. I have put all of the things I picked up from those two experiences into what I do along with past bands such Degrees. K, Starky, Peabody and the Fir Trees. I also currently play drums in the another fantastic band called the Conjurors. If it's the first time for you WELCOME, be a pal.
.....................DICTAPHONE NEWS.............................
SUNDAY AUGUST 17TH 2008........My work here is done, finally.
This Friday night just gone, I put an end to something that has been open ended for a while now, the mixing of my album. Put to bed, out to dry whatever you want to call it, it has ben finished. I am pretty happy with the results and that is an achievement in itself given that it's taken just under a year to complete and I'm not sick of the material. That is thanks largely to the band that I play with, who are fucking awesome and turn the recorded ideas into something more. I'm glad and happy. I am currently working on artwork with my friend Bradley, this is fun also and usually happens on Fridays. I would love to get the album into shops before the end of the year but at this stage it doesn't look like it is going to happen. Boohhooo, if that is to be the case, then I shall have to hit the road and take the music to the people. We have dates in the South Island booked and Wellington will be sorted soon. I will post the dates all together in what I hope to be some kind of Spring Tour thing!!! I am guilty of being a little blue over the past month, thanks largely to the weather and the economy being so bad, but fuck all that stuff, we need to rally and pull through! Come on young New Zealand, I'm with you all the bleeding way and will do my best to bring the Spring times vibe to all of you in a month or so.
FRIDAY MAY 9TH 2008........It's like the bloody Niagra Falls in here!!!
My golly!!! Where has 6 months gone? Well in my land it has seen me travel the most I ever have, mix most of my album & start writing for another one. Bought a great hat the other day and a fantastic vintage amp.The touring with the Brunettes has been awesome, met some really great folk along the way and we've played some great gigs. I played two shows in Lawrence Arabia on guitar in London and two shows on bass with El May in NYC, both stirling groups well worth checking out. I have been recording new stuff in the van and in various venues after soundchecks. I have also done a session with James Milne at his Wall of Shit Studios in London with Mr Matt Eccles. These drum takes will replace electro beats that are on my album and serve to liven up a couple of the tunes. Now I have two of my favourite drummers on my album. Savage. I return to NZ mid June after a European tour with Broken Social Scene and a US west coast tour supporting Beirut. What I'm wanting to do is book some gigs to get ready to release album number one as soon as I get back. Keep it fruity.
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12TH (TWELVETH) 2007.....I have seen Jol reverse dive roll whipadish, it was awesome.
Since I got back from the November tour I have finish recording my debut album. This is good is it not? I have to tell you that I am totally and completely over the whole thing, I'm glad I have finished it and now when I hear snippets of it (unintentionally) I really don't care if I'm singing out of tune on this bit or playing out of time on that bit. You really just have to say when sometimes, I mean it's not what we are drinking New Zealand, it's how we are drinking. It was the same day David. So I am taking the next couple of weeks off, so's to clear the ears and come up with some other things. I will be mixing it all at the Lab Studios with Jol Mulholland after the break and that will be fun. In the New Year there will be some more shows and happenings so keep your eyes peeled for more on that. In the meantime, keep a straight back and head out to a Conjurors show, I play drums in that band and we are awesome. Kia Kaha.
FRIDAY OCTOBER FORTH (4TH) 2007....When it was warm she wouldn't wear much more
I am happy to announce that I will be touring nationally with my pal Liam Finn. Dates are up and tickets are available from Ticketek and Real Groovy Records. Get in quick cos these shows will be killer. If you haven't heard Liams album "I'll be Lightning" then go grab it now, she's a stone cold classic. Two of the shows are all ages and these will be in Churches, one in Auckland and one Christchurch. I will have special guests in each centre and hope you can make it along, man, it will be cool fun.Oh, and feel free to download the tune up at the mo, it won't be there for long cos I have to take it away, give it a jolly good spanking and finish it.
Be well.
WED THE 26TH (TWENTY SIXTH) OF SEPTEMBEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR.....Was Robin Williams on cocaine in the first season of Mork and Mindy? Or was this "habit" taken up circa the second season?
This Saturdays show is going to be fucking awesome. Brand New Math have a new song about something about protractor hands. A song about dancing maybe? I hope that they play it. The Dilletantes (as I am led to believe) are playing their last show ever (not that that is a good thing) (not that I have seen them play) and then there is me, well nothing needeth be saidith about that one ith. It's all happening at Wammy Bar, shit, is that with an "h"? If you don't know where that is, change your glow stick, you know..just snap it. It's in St Kevins arcade, down some stairs. Oh, and even though the Vogels Museli is on special at the Foodtowns at the moment, don't buy it. It broke half of my tooth off.
Saturday 28th July AND ALL WAS WELL.
Pale Shade of blue (which can be heard on my player above) has been added to the playlist at KiwiFM. So you will be hearing a bit of that one if you tune in, online or on your wireless. I believe you could vote for it in some kind of top hot 10 or the like if you go to their website. It's a national station you know. Thanks to those that clapped and listen at Craftwerk, I had a really good time and didn't make to many mistakes. I think it is easier if I can see peoples faces. I'm about to take off on a tour with the Ruby Suns supporting the Shins and I look foward to seeing those I miss in Australia, bring home the bounty!! Then on return we are playing with the Brunettes for their album release, get this album it is a real goer. Really looking forward to seeing Ryan Adams to. At the end of August I will be performing at Shanghi Lils, a favourite haunt of mine and I can't wait to play there, this is the next chance to see me play. See you all soon.
Friday 6th July whoooop, bring the noise...the RNB style that's what I need.
Craftwerk is a group of like minded good souls that pedal their wares around tables in order to get their arts and crafts into the hands of those that will love and apprieciate (ALT F7?) it. This happens a few times a year in Aucklands St. Kevins arcade with the next one taking place on JULY 19th. The good folks at Craftwerk have asked yours truely to perform at said evening and I have said a big fat YES to them. YAY!!!
Later that evening The Ruby Suns will be playing at Coherent just down the way so ya'll should come to that afterwards as well. In radio land I recorded a Music 101 session for Radio New Zealand National and they will be broadcasting this on Saturday 14th July from about 3pm (I think), so tune in a mong out. Man it's been such a busy week and it ain't going to stop anytime soon, can't wait to hit the road with the Ruby Suns and catch up with a few familiar faces and chow down on lost time. xxoo E
I have posted two remixes. Both Spooky room and Pale shade of blue have been subject to the naked fingers of my friend Jol. He and I put them through this and that at the Lab studio and made them better sounding. Hope you enjoy them. Muchos Aroha. E.
Thank you to Mr. Peter Delani for joining me in a rousing Sunday night last week at the Schooner, you are fucking awesome. Since then I have been keeping busy rolling the stone so that it gathers no moss and keeping the keetle on boil in the recording vessle. Ideas come from funny places, even from riding a biking (driving it) around to your buddies house, then hanging out with them. I'm sure I'm not the first person to be inspired by this example but it still gets me off. Got a copy of the new Iain Archer album "Magnetic North". It's a wee jem, great guitar pop. Not over the top, just nice foot tapping stuff. Make sure you all get down to two things this weekend. The BRUNETTES at the KINGS ARMS on FRIDAY and THE LAST COSBYS PERFORMANCE at the SCHOONER TAVERN on SATURDAY. Oh check out the Gruff Rhys album Candy Lion to, thats really good. Keep the peace and see you soon. PS, I'm looking to play a few shows so if anyone needs a support ask me. xxoo
Hullo to the world outside my room, MY ROOM. Yusssss, I have a bed, I have a floor, I have a few things. Tis a good day. The Ruby Suns tour was amazing and fun and learned and sweaty and funny and lovely and all sorts. Regards and hugs to all those that I met and had fun with along the way, you are all saints in the real world. Now however it's back in Auckland and into some of my own music again. I really need to just get it out of the bedroom, get some confidence and put it out there, who gives a tiddle what you think, right? Yeah nah good.
Well a starting point could be playing maybe a couple of songs with my very good good friend Peter Delani this Sunday night at the Schooner Tavern. We will be called Clarence Williams III, we have performed under this name several times over the years and I can't promise you anything other than we will be on stage. We are greatly honoured to be supporting Reduction Agents at this show as the lose the sheet and get it on for all in sunder. Also performing will be the tremendous Heavy Jones who are just winding up recording on a HUGE BIG album of cult biblical hits, they will be playing these Im sure. So come one come all.... Tra for now. xo
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)