Recent stuff..Sooo, spent 5 days in Vegas for work. I helped set up our network and booth for WSA . Not so bad. It happens every 6 months and we have moved our booth this convention center It's in a very nice neighborhood
Normally, I really don't care where the show is or where is stay, but since were at LVCC it means we have to stay here . The aminities were nice but the food was not so good and the service was about the same.
We used to stay at a very nice hotel . The food was great and the rooms were very large and very nice . I did manage to my favorite bar vegas and did not drink to much . Also managed to get to the Hard Rock
More later
Just finished a beginner white water kayaking course. Loads of fun but I have to tell you. Being upside down underwater fitted into a kayak takes some getting use I can roll but need more pratice. I did judo for eight years and trained mixed martial arts for about 5. I had to drop out to focus on my career. Jobs can be like that. But, I have had the itch to get back to it. So, we'll see.
Anyone... "the more the merrier"
Music. Hmm, well I find myself listening to different things at different times. At work I often find myself listening to ambient on the I-Tunes radio network. In the car I listen to hard rock or something electronic with a hard beat, like Crystal Method. When at home I listen to a mix of all of the above and classical music.
Blade runner.Gods and Monsters. American Movie. House of yes.
I have a Tivo. If you don't have one run out and get one now. You can thank me later. Lately I have been watching a weird mix of shows recorded on my Tivo. From "Shopping bags" and the "Genuine Article" to "Escape the Leigon" and numerous military shows.
My mom. Corny I know.