Rap, hookers, pizza, guns, murda, fucking, death lists, knives, drugs, beer, rakija, whiskey, gin, breaks, graffiti, reason 3.0, goat milk, and long walks on the beach. And also quantum physics.
Here's a negative way to put it: If you're a sensitive, metrosexual little whiny man-bitch that wears pink collared-shirts, or a broad that's prone to histerically emotional attention-seeking responses in an attempt to enhance your otherwise empty life that gets filled only by the rampant pumelling of cock in your jugular, then I really don't want to meet you... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
If you want to make your eardrums bleed with some dirty, rotten fucking hardcore hiphop that makes most ordinary citizens feel like: a) their moral values have been called into question, b) their children should be sheltered from such profanity, c) they should ignore real life issues and hardcore reality, d) their bitch-alarms for profanity and pornographic content have just been activated, and of course e) *insert religious/supernatural/superstitious/pagan/dogmatic bullshit here* would not approve, then you definitely need to go to this site and listen to our tracks: http://vision.yohiphop.com/music/tracks I also like jazz, rap, prog rock, punk, metal ... fuck if it sound good, i'm listening to it. Doesn't matter what genre it is.