a nice guy. but barring that dream, just some cool people to hang out with, go dancing, bowling, krispy kreaming ... eww, that sounds gross. maybe i'll just stick to finding the man song of my dreams...
Your Social Dysfunction:
You're a happy person - you have a good amount of self-esteem, and are socially healthy. While this isn't a social dysfunction per se, you're definitely not normal. Consider yourself lucky: you walk that fine line between 'normal' and being outright narcissistic. You're rare - which is something else to be happy about.
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Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.
most forms of techno/house, 80's pop/new wave, not necessarily favorites but artists i enjoy: duran duran, depeche mode, cher, madonna, kina, dar williams, johnny cash, eartha kitt, rockapella, pat benetar, alanis morisette, coldplay, paul oakenfold, and on and on.
Drop Dead Gorgeous, Saved, Braveheart, the Others, Labyrinth, The Emperor's New Groove, Shrek, Shrek II, Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek: Nemesis, Girls Will Be Girls, Baraka, West Side Story, Singin' in the Rain, Rent, Center Stage, Dogma, Harry Potter I,II,III,IV, Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2, Phantom of the Opera, Robots, Queens of Comedy, Go, Matrix, Matrix: Reloaded, Matrix: Revolutions, Rules of Attraction, Run Lola Run, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, What Dreams May Come, Twister, The Truman Show, Oceans 11, Oceans 12, Moulin Rouge, Latter Days, The Incredibles, Ice Age, A Home at the End of the World, Jawbreaker, Mean Girls, Four Rooms, Finding Nemo, Empire Records...
I hate T.V.
Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country
My family, my friends.