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tengo pollos locos en mi cabeza

About Me

Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox ! Myspace Contact TablesMyspace Contact TablesI am here to network with people interested in paranormal research. I am an investigator and researcher who is a proud member of NCPI (North Carolina Paranormal Investigations). I am getting together a group to form a think tank type organization that will come up with new investigative methods and equipment. I just don't feel we have proof that will WOW the world yet...but read more here and drop me a line. It has been my experience with the paranormal that people rarely want to talk seriously about the subject with an open mind and a skeptical outlook. Both viewpoints are possible at the same time. It seems to me that most people only want to trade ghost stories instead of talking about how we can advance this field of study. If you have a thought or idea please leave me a comment or email me I would love to talk with you about it!!!I am also a musician who loves all types of music. I write, record, and will soon be performing again. I have some famous relatives in the music business. I play guitar, drums, bass, piano, and a bit of banjo...don't ask...World religions also interest me as well as poetry, art, films, and what goes on inside my dog's mind.
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My Interests

Just about everything interests me. Especially this clip. This clip from the Daily Show about myspace was just to good to pass up. I hope it stays up and myspace doesn't sensor what should be free trade in ideas and valuable content. Who cares if money is involved as I think musicians, T.V. shows, and others have plenty of money!!! Enjoy...
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I'd like to meet:

Get this video and more at MySpace.comInteresting people who are looking to join the search for truth. People who add comments to the group when they ask to join and bring topics to discuss...guys I can't do all the work. Plus there are ideas you have that I'm sure I have not heard. Oh yea and I like to have fun so bring your sense of humor however odd it may be. All are welcome as long as you show respect if not see the chimp.
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Everything from rap to jazz. From hardcore to punk. From funk to salsa.....its all good. Did I really say its all good....oh geez.... Ok so no comments on the farting preacher...evidently no one else sees the hypocarcy in what he does....lol...so here is a kick ass band...omg check out their first album!
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I love movies and I see way too many.Here is a guy, Juanes, I think is very innovative and even though I dont understand all of what he sings all the time....the guitar and melody are fascinating.
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I love to watch T A P S, National Geographic, History Channel, Simpsons, Family Guy, but my favorite show is the Daily Show with John Stewart.More Sonora...if you cant dig this music then I have to wonder...lol... width="425" height="350" ..


Right now I am reading a book called God and the New Physics. It is not the easiest book to read but it is very cool. I am also reading The Will Harris Murders to follow up on an investigation we (ncparanorml.com)did at Barley's Taproom in Asheville NC. I know this slide show is not about books but I need more space. I put this together because T A P S has been SO COOOOOOL to me and to the people that continue to tell me how much they still help out those in need, even though they get a bazillion emails. FOR YOU GUYS!


John Stewart for standing up to and holding accountable our dysfunctional government. Oh yea and this kid...

My Blog

How did I get HERE?

Have you ever driven to work and been listening to a song, thinking about your day, or pondered the reason why someone would go 10 mph in a 45 mph zone?  Then you realize you are home but have no...
Posted by jason on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 03:49:00 PST

Something for the experts!

I have written some blogs in the past and stated my thoughts on the necessity of scientific involvement with paranormal research.  The consensus is that the idea is great but no one wants to tack...
Posted by jason on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 05:53:00 PST

Science meets spirits!

If I could have some influence on the direction of paranormal research and investigation I would involve science. I know I have said it before but there is just no other way to get things done faster ...
Posted by jason on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 08:27:00 PST

O K so you wanna know about me?

So far I have had some amazing results with Myspace (lets just forget about the recent Myspace freak outs).  I have met a lot of really great people some of whom have exciting ideas about pa...
Posted by jason on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 06:13:00 PST

The way things could be...

We all face our own mortality one day, yet there are few scientific organizations that take this topic seriously. Therefore we who seek answers must seek truth on our own. Forced to use methods that ...
Posted by jason on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:01:00 PST

The scientist, Super Man, and a ghost?

Hello to all,I don't know if any of you have seen the special on T.V. about Super Man (on National Geographic I believe.). The premise of the show is to discuss Super Man's powers and compare them to ...
Posted by jason on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 07:03:00 PST

A letter to someone about knowing the history on an inves. or not.

Having a history on a house could be like having the answers to a high school test.  Going in not knowing what has happened is similar to a double blind scientific test in that no person on the t...
Posted by jason on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 05:27:00 PST

Follow up with my new friends in Scotland.

Hi there, Well let me say this about the EVP's...I really would love to study EVPs because there is something going on there but as a musician I would say lets improve the sound quality.....also I thi...
Posted by jason on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 02:57:00 PST

A letter to a new friend

This letter to an investigator in Scotland sums up a lot of what I have had many questions aske to me about.  Hello Mark, I have been a researcher for 16 years and recently had an experienc...
Posted by jason on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:02:00 PST

my music

I finally got my site up with my music.  These are works in progress but dont let that stop you form commenting.  Just know that the equipment I have to record is not great so its the potent...
Posted by jason on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 07:12:00 PST