History (military, ancient, biblical, & church), Ships, Trains (both historical and modern), Maps, Stategic and Tactical Games, Writing, Combat Aircraft, Sea Kayaking, cats, Sailing, Epistemology (the mechanics of how we know what we think we know), and most importantly, the Bible
Jars of Clay, The Shins, Plumb, The Normals, Caedmon's Call, Switchfoot, classical, classic rock, The Hollies, some Jethro Tull, Zeppalin, etc. (in small doses)
The Lord of the Rings, The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Final Countdown (I actually worked on most of the A7 light attack bombers in that movie), Mystery Science Theater 3000, and other old cheesy sci fi/horror movies
The Lord of the Rings, Dune series, The Windows of Heaven series (by me), The Pendragon Cycle, How Should We then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, One Faith--Many Transitions: Worldviews in Church History (also by me), and Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels