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STRANGE RANGER says let loose the Wilderness

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I am the latest incarnation of Kumo Kez... the "Strange Ranger", I have super powers like being able carve my name in trees really well and wandering around woods with out getting lost, I can identify at least 10 species of tree, just by listening to them with my eyes open! I'm able to randomly repair dry stone walls. I can topple a beech tree onto you before you can say "mind my head". Build a stile in a fence and a bridge over a leaky pipe!I seem to have found myself in a rather nice occupation, designing and making furniture. This offers me the oppurtinity to faff around in the workshop making all kinds of nonsense, wooden bikes, coracles, wood frame backpacks, seige weapons... anything in wood really. I only use native timbers and those that are felled from managed woodlands, hate MDF, love steam bending. Currently I'm experimenting with lamenating venners and designing a range of movie themed DVD/Media Cabinets. Before I got into 'wood' I've been a Graphic Designer, a Stone Craftsmen, and a Market Researcher.Trapsing around woodland, and swimming in puddles makes me happy. I am the proud team leader of the North East Hertforshire Peek-a-boo Woodland Hiding Team - TEAM HIGHLY VISIBLE - We as a team have won many events, due to the fact that our eyes enable us find any who may try and hide from us. Unfortunatley one of our members is missing, he may be in a woodland near you, you will recognise him by the fact that he may be hiding from you, could you also check your sheds and garages. If found please return. He respondes to the name He Seeks For Kent.
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I'm about to endevour on a challenge with a mate (Andy), to only eat home grown and foraged wild foods for a month, this includes every thing (with the exception of water, which we'll get with straws from puddles) fruit, vegetables, meat fish (a little hunting required), salt (trip to the seaside), honey(bee keeping), cheese. A lot of preparation is envolved, possibly too much for this year, but next year we home to be growing our own wheat for bread, finding some way of making cooking oil. I'm really getting into this fruit and veg gardening stuff, it's devouring lots of my time. Watching those seedlings pop their heads out of the soil for the first time is really gratifying. We have made a large fruit cage and several raised beds in my garden and Andy hopes to get an allotment next year. Read MY BLOG to see how we get on!Caption competion below, post responses in comments (with the coreponding caption number)

My Interests

Stancing (stretching with purpose, this has been a hobby of mine for several years now I have infact formed a club for the specific purpose of stancing. It is a little like free strecthing and I'm thinking of doing a video with good friend Mr Bolton about stancing and stretching called Stance London, where we'll capture ourselves stancing on well known London attractions... some unsuspecting people will also be included in this, joggers warming up doing there stretches are an inspiration), designing and making stuff, wandering around in woods, wandering around in town, wearing clothes, dashing around giving a little of my time to a lot of my friends. I quite like the odd party, and a party that is odd. Super film fan, but not Superman fan. Dressing up like Spider-man ever since I was a kid. Growth of facial hair, it may take a month or two to establish, but think of the fun and styles you can create as you shave a bit off, day by sweet day!
Woods, Forests & Trees Hatfield Forest (save it, don't develope it!), Therfield Forest, Lake Windamere Ancient Oak Woodlands (Lake District). One day I'll see the great Californian Forests with the giant Redwoods. Eucrophia, English Elm (not many left, but my favorite is at St Keverne, the Lizard, Cornwall), Silver Birch, Maple and Japanese Maple, English Oak, Dragons Tail Tree, Ash, Eucoliptus, Bonzai Trees. Would love to live in one of those huge tree houses that are like organic palaces in the air! I am often late for an engagement because of the fact the route I may be taking passes by some woodland, and I have to stop of to investigate.
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I'd like to meet:

The Mod Wolves (live in the woods), Ben Law (makes a living and lives in the woods), George Lucas (lives in the DeathStar), The Original Ditch Monkey (lived in the woods, possibly a ditch aswell?!?), Kit Williams (made stuff from wood), Pinochio (made from wood), Treebeard and the Ents (are the woods), Hansel and Grettal (got lost in the woods), Robin Hood (stole from the rich and gave to the poor... in the woods). A blind man, if when in a wood and a tree falls on his head, does he make a noise? Kate Humble (so I can build a little hut in woods and we'll live in sin for evermore, if Kate isn't available I'd settle for Rachael DeThame).


FOUR-TET, MOGWAI, KING CRESOTE, Quantic Soul Orchestra, the Cure, Kraftwerk, Joy Division, Rhinegold, Human League, Aphex Twin, Nitin Sawhney, Telepopmusic, Chemical Brothers, DJ Shadow, UNKLE, DJ Q-Bert, Indie Rock stuff, Folk Stuff. Mr Damon Albrans music, Beth Orton, Jose Gonvalez, Massive Attack, Portishead, Death in Vegas, 'Northen Soul' Verve, Above us the Waves, B.R.M.C, the Klaxons, the Fall, the Smiths, Cooper Temple Clause, the Pixies, Gossip, Robots in Disguise, Brand New Pony Club, CSS, The Brakes, The Earlies.


The BLUES BROTHERS (my whole family is mad for them). Yojimbo, Seven Samurai, Samurai Banners, Ran, Red Sun, Zatoichi. Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Dageers. Asian gangster movies - One Night in Mankook, Brother, Sympathy for Mr Vengance, Old Boy. Asian horror - Ring, the Eye, Battle Royal. Studio Ghibli - Porko Rosso, Hal's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service. Old English Ealing comedies - Man in the White Suit, Kind Hearts and Corronets, the Lady Killers, the Lavendar Hill Mob. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones. Hithcock, film noir (made myself a DVD cabinet using Hitchcock & Saul Bass visuals). Eastwood - Fist Full of Dollars, Oultlaw Josie Wales, Dirty Harry. Vanishing Point, Bullit and Point Blank. Zombie Movies - waiting for 28 Weeks Later wih much excitement.


Gardeners World, The Trees that Made Britain, Spring/Autumn Watch Hugh Fernley Wittles-Burk's River Cottage, It ain't easy being green, Grand Designs. Documentries by Jonathan Meades and Alan Jentob. 24 (only seen seasons 1 and 2, but that is two whole days of my life already), Band of Brothers, Battle Star Gallactica, Heroes, Lost. Yo Ho Ahoy, and Ray Mears Rocks. What about Radio...? Who's line is it any way? is fantastic for a little mirth. And the shipping forecast, thats funny too. The Mighty Boosh, Alan Partridge, Big Train, Spaced and the Fast Show tickled me.


Anything that I happen to be reading at the time... Naked Lunch by W. Burrows, To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, Heart of Darkness and What Ever Happened to our Wood? - A tale about a wood. Old favorites include: The Little Wooden Horse. Chums annual - Sword of Taliver Trueblade, the Red Deluge. The Far Away Tree by E. Blyton. Tolkien. Robin Hobb. The Man Who Planted Trees, is on my list of must reads.


Alec Guiness, Harrison Ford and Darth Vader. Cary Grant, James Stewart, David Niven, Peter Sellers. Clint Eastwood. Ava Gandener was a bombshell. My Bro Mark.

My Blog


I GOT 2nd PLACE FOR SPUDS!And some other prizes for carrots and the like.
Posted by Kes on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:30:00 PST

All work and no gain...

All this bleedin' rain and wind has caused havoc on my veggetables. The potatoes have blown over - they all still growing but look a bit of a shambles, 1/4 of my corn hasn't bothered to pop its head ...
Posted by Kes on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:30:00 PST

Previous mushrooms that I have known.

Past mushroom foraging trip have been more successful, not that the last was unsuccessful but because I couldn't positvely identify the shrooms (although I'm 75% sure of what they are - St Georges) an...
Posted by Kes on Sat, 26 May 2007 03:31:00 PST

The dangers of wild mushrooms, BEWARE!

After lots of research into weather the mushrooms I picked we edible or not I came up with quite a few suspects as to what they actually were. Trying to take this guess work a stage further I sent so...
Posted by Kes on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

Fairy Ring part II

So I went back to fairy ring today and picked some of the tasty looking shrooms. They smell like creamy button mushrooms... but the underside doesn't really conform to the discriptions of fairy ring ...
Posted by Kes on Tue, 22 May 2007 01:50:00 PST

Fairies and Garlic

On a little excursion to the bluebell woods at the back of my garden I came across a wealth of natures finest.Wild Garlic, and lots of it. When upon eating the wild garlic my collegue in Burkiness com...
Posted by Kes on Mon, 21 May 2007 09:13:00 PST

Let it rain on my butt

Hurrah for the wet stuff from the sky!So this is the frist decent rainfall since I planted up this season, and the first time that my water butts have been called into use. I have 6 water butts contri...
Posted by Kes on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:41:00 PST


So Karl Kennedy's self-sufficient lifestyle is starting to go down hill, doesn't mean I'll be doing the same. Although I have a newly grown beard I have no intentions of getting lice. I do however l...
Posted by Kes on Thu, 03 May 2007 11:57:00 PST

Birch Sap and potting

So the trees have opened up there delicate treasures to me. This past weekend and today I've been birch tree tapping, I'm not ready this year to make anything more exciting from the sap other than ne...
Posted by Kes on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST

All done diggin'

Thats it, I know a little late in the day but all the digging of the plots are done and dusted, manure, soil conditioner they have been tramped on, raked weeded etc. Now if only those bleedin seeds w...
Posted by Kes on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:27:00 PST