Piracy and pirates, telling stories i.e. folktales and legends, summer camp, the outdoors, Doug Flutie, hookahs, hobo wines, shenanigans, hot tubs, New Orleans, travel. HOBY
Adventurers. Those who seek out life and attempt to take all they can. Heavy drinkers. People looking for lively debate, mellow chats, or useless trivia binges that can cause other's heads to explode. Those who don't mind a long winded story for a cheap punchline, because the joy is in the story itself. People who look for good stories to tell themselves.
Billy Joel, KMFDM, Teagan and Sara, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, Dan Bern, Cowboy Mouth, Arrogant Worms, Busta Rhymes, etc, etc.... most everything
Casablanca, Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter, Indiana Jones, Memento, Spiderman, Princess Bride
Nothing much... maybe some wrestling every once in a while.... and don't give me that look, you know you watched it before!
Stephen King, Hunter S Thompson, Mick Foley, Douglas Adams... ya, so it says books, I am just listing off authors. Any folk tale/legend/myth collection
My father. and Theodore Roosevelt