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Richey Lam


About Me

MY NEW BIO: In the words of me.Let me introduce myself……First off, How do you do? It is such a pleasure to have you at my site. So I’m finally sitting down to write my new bio. (As opposed to standing I know), but yes I have been procrastinating this for too long. I’ll try to keep this interesting, but probably use gimmicks and words like Fart and Hammer to keep your attention. You know how like you go on You Tube and there will be a picture of some hot girl and you’re like maybe I SHOULD click on this hoping to see a glimpse of nipple and then as soon as you do you see some fat dudes ass. I mean that’s only what I’ve heard; I don’t look at that stuff. It’s bad for you. Anyways, here’s me in a nutshell….. “Where am I from?” Well I was born in Richmond, VA. My First name is actually Richmond because my parents said if I was a boy they would name me Richmond and that’s how we got Richey and if I was a girl they would have named me Virginia and my nickname would have been Virgin. Do you see how I’m strategically throwing in all these sexual innuendoes? Pretty slick right. Ok we then moved to Alpharetta, GA a small suburb of Atlanta, when I was around 1 year old. I guess that’s where I got my southern draw. I can’t hear it, living out here in LA, but it comes in and out every once in a while. Especially if alcohol is involved. OMG at this rate this is gonna take too long, so let’s just fast forward to my HIGH SCHOOL days. Because everybody knows your high school days are the most important part of growing up. Within those 4 years it is the time where you discover who you are going to be. A Jock, Cheerleader, Drama Queen, That freaky Goth girl who just wants to be loved, the Nerd, The Bully, The Socialite, or That incredibly handsome funny Asian guy who plays guitar and sings. I’ll bet you’ll never guess which one I was. To me High school was a great experience. Aside from grades, the only thing you need to worry about in high school is trying to fit in. And you could equate that to being a musician in a way. Being a musician is basically a popularity contest, just on a world wide level. You put yourself out there hoping people will “Love You” and support what you do. And you do it because you love it and are passionate about something. You want to matter and to have a voice, maybe an opinion in the world. FartHammer!!! Are you still there, just checking? On to college; I went to a small performing arts school in Nashville TN. I studied vocal performance with an emphasis in music business. Basically it’s a pointless degree unless you plan on teaching. Either you can sing or you can’t. Just because you have a piece of paper saying you can doesn’t make it so. One week after I graduated I headed straight for California. I attended UCLA’s music program and met some really wonderful people. Started playing out every week and eventually started touring and evolving my sound. “What kind of music do you play?” I hate being pigeon holed into one genre. Because it seems like any guy who plays the acoustic guitar these days is gonna be compared to John Mayer or Jack Johnson or MRaz. Don’t get me wrong I feel I do have those elements in my music, but I am influenced by so many other artists. Being from the south I grew up listening to Gospel Rap, Country, Hip Hop, and Southern Rock. I grew up listening to song writers like Prince, Billy Joel, Phil Collins, and Dianne Warren. But then I moved to the West Coast and it is a totally different sound. I hear a little No Doubt, sublime, Dr. Dre in me sometimes with hooks and catchy phrases galore. Songwriting is a craft and I take it seriously. In my opinion writing lyrics is the hardest part when writing a song, but the melody is what catches your attention. Have you ever heard the saying that Offense brings the fans in, but defense wins the game? Same thing; Melody is the Offense and Lyrics are the Defense. Anyways to answer the question what kind of music do I play…..? I’m an Asian John Mayer!!!I’d like to conclude my new bio with... Thank you so much for all you support and listening. I hope someday I can meet you to personally thank you. I hope this was an enjoyable read and it kept your interest throughout. Hopefully my new Bio has given you “Double Penetration” through your hearts and minds. You see what I just did!! I Love YOU!!!FOREVER and EVER,

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Itunes-Love vs. The Brain

Itunes-College Years Napster MusicMatch audiolunchbox Rhapsody Mperia"GHOST" (Acoustic Live Session)

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: For Booking Info please go to: Neon Entertainment
Influences: Stevie Wonder, Harry Connick Jr., Billy Joel, Diane Warren, Prince, John Mayer, Mraz, Richard Marx, Madonna, Brian Mcknight, Elton John, Phil Collins, The Matrix, JT, MJ, Snoop, The Neptunes, Timbaland, Whitney Houston, James Richey Lam EPK ..

Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpage

Sounds Like: A Karate Chop Across your forehead!!!Pop/Folk/Rock/Soul
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage Tour OKC Tour ATL
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Clap Your Hands Me in the studio. I keep messing up, The song came out great though. Can't wait for you guys to hear the finish product. The whole album is gonna...
Posted by Richey Lam on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:43:00 PST

EPK - Richey Lam Here's The NEW EPK...
Posted by Richey Lam on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:11:00 PST

There is no chin behind Chuck Norris beard. There is only another fist.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. ...
Posted by Richey Lam on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 01:50:00 PST


So it's official.  We started recording the new record about 2 weeks ago.  It's prolly gonna take the whole summer to track everything, then mix, then package.  From the sound of it so ...
Posted by Richey Lam on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:09:00 PST

Dear Margaret White...

    Hey Margo, It's me Richey.  I just got the news today. I'm so sorry for everything.  I have had this hollowness in my heart all day long since I heard the news about you.&...
Posted by Richey Lam on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:13:00 PST

T-Shirt Contest Opportunity

For all my creative peeps.   I wanted to empower all my fans and friends.  I need help designing a logo for cool shirts, hats, and my next album.  The Winner will get a CD, Shirt, ...
Posted by Richey Lam on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 03:34:00 PST

TICKETS ON SALE: David Wilcox Show (April 29th 2007)

April, 29 2007 The Coach House- supporting David Wilcox  33157 Camino CapistranoSan Juan Capistrano, CA 92675Cost : $15Gonna be an AWESOME SHOW!!!  Im so excited I get to...
Posted by Richey Lam on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST

Take A Picture It'll Last Longer....

Hi everybody, I'm looking for some photos from past shows ... have any? Or if you have any fan pics you'd like for me to have by all means please send them my way.  Post them here in the blog or ...
Posted by Richey Lam on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:15:00 PST

NY vs. LA

So this is a belated update.  I meant to do this a week ago, but I finally got a around to it.  New york was awesome.  I had a blast on my east coast tour.  Everyone there is a cha...
Posted by Richey Lam on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:57:00 PST


Here's  some country videos I was in Back in the day. See if you can spot me. This was a long time ago!! Someone sent this to me and I had to share it with all of you.  No Laughing!!!Mark wi...
Posted by Richey Lam on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:31:00 PST