About Me
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names dawn, aka dawnie deaththreat!
you probably know me.
chances are i had your sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, counsins all added.
my old account was known as myspace.com/fagxxcore. this is my ONLY myspace.
if you find any fakes, plz report them to me asap. kthx.
there's not much to know about me.
i'm 20 years old.
i graduated from a high school that doesn't exist anymore.
i dye my hair more than i change my underwear.(not literally. THX DORIAN lol i am pidgeon toed.(birth defect the stupid doctor didnt catch when i was born.)
i have a very bad attitude and can be a complete bitch.
i have my septum and snake bites done. my family only gets together at funerals.
i follow the trend just as much as all you fuckers do.
everyone copies everyone.
no one is scener than anyone else and no one is unique anymore either.
so stfu already with your "bro's" and "hardcore"-ness.
i love my friends.
i would be lost without them.
they help make me who i am today which in other terms, a nice, fashionable, sweet, anorexic-looking, somewhat-short person.
i am a loving and caring person.
to put it in a nutshell, do not piss me off.
if you do, i am telling you right now that is an arguement you will not win.
if you have shit to say, please, i'm begging you, please do not say it behind my back or over myspace.
if there is a problem, it should be addressed to my face.
if you start a fight over myspace, i will not take you seriously and most likely end up putting you in your place & blocking you.
simple as that.
fuck with me, and your ass will be sent home
on a stretcher. mark my words.
"the infamous deaththreat" may look and sound sweet and innocent,
but your ass can be jumped in a matter of seconds if necessary.
i work as an assistant manager at petland discounts.
it's not the best, but it's better than nothing & gets me by.
i have a big nose & fucked up teeth, but hey, who is perfect?
i own three baby water turtles, a dutch bunny, a guinea pig, a fat old cat, & a couple of fish.
i enjoy going to the city, attending concerts/shows, hanging with my friends, eating mac & cheese, listening to the main love of my life [rock music], trimming/dying my hair, fooling around with makeup and style-sense, playing world of warcraft, fiddling with my sidekick and most of all, studying for web design.
plz feel free to add me & get to know me better.
if your nice, i'll be nice.
if your an asshole, i'll gladly be an asshole back to you.
you probably won't like me, and you most likely
won't understand me.
people just looove to make fun of me, especially those that live locally
and don't even know me. let the haters hate. i find it pretty funny either way.
sorry if i'm not "scene/hardcore" enough for you.
i was born with blood, bone, & feelings, alot like yourselves.
i wasn't born with perfection, and neither were you.
if you try to put me down, it just goes to show your lack of self esteem.
i don't blame that.
most of you assholes are not only hideous on the inside, but on the outside anyway.
you can't go about living your life impressing everyone you meet so if you want to be a hater, than please hate.
i cherish my enemies as much as i cherish my friends, but i will go about loving my friends, and not giving a flying fuck on who hates me. i have more friends than enemies anyway, so that has got to go and tell you something.
it's your loss, not mine.
now go along and choke on those words.
locals like to keep their hair long, while i like to keep mine short.
i don't find myself that important anymore,
but what i do find is people to be very fake and will pretend to like you, than say shit and laugh behind your back.
the only reason why people hate on me is because i'm different, but i'd rather be different than be a stuck up self centered little prick. the scene around here is bullshit. the people around here are bullshit. if there is one thing i have learned by working in a corporate business, its how fucking dumb people truly are.
i used to care what people had to say about me, but it really doesn't effect me anymore.
everyone has their faults, and no one is perfect.
i go about living my life not trusting anymore. all i need in life is myself anyway.
if you don't like what i have to say, than too bad.
i most likely won't give a shit on how you feel about me anyway. i work 38 hours a week and barely have time to even do my makeup, so before you say i have no life, think twice before saying it.
if you read all of this, congratulations.
you deserve a cookie.
end of story.
ask for my tmail.