About Me
am joe
I am 17 years old
Im about 5'7''
And I have brown eyes, naturaly dark brown hair, but wavy
My b-day's on Jan 23rd
I am 100% italian
I love music
I always love sleeping and relaxing
I work at petland
I have a sidekick 3
I always loving going out and going to partys
I am a sweet, caring, understanding, cute type of person
I can also be an asshole
My Likes
I love my friends they're always here for me any they're the best people in the world
I love going to shows
I love my bed
I love my bby turtle
I love the person who invented the flat iron
I love making new friends
I love my family
I love the "scene" trend
I love all my music
I love Doritos and Goldfish the snack that smiles back
I love when people say shit behied my back and not to my face
And when they do say it to my face they pretend i forget and try to be friends with me again
I love it when i get called gothic or emo when im wearing bright colored clothes and theres blonde in my hair
No faggots
Just no
My Hates
People who enjoy making people feel miserable
People who are sluts, preppies, annoying, stalkerish, posers, assholes, faggots, full of themselves, "tuff" guys, haters, and above all liars
People who cheat on other people
People who message me on myspace and try to flirt with me
People at my school and the school
White plains in general
When you do people favors and never get anything in return
"The Choden One"
People who cut their wrists for attention
The battery power of my phone
Waking up
People who talk shit and dont do shit
And when people try to flirt with me when obvisily, your either a fake, a fatass, an ugly bitch or a slut
All i can say is goodluck
And "deleted"
What not to do
Do not piss me off
Do not say shit behind my back, say it to my face fgts
Do not try to steal one of my friends and cause them to break up/cheat on their bf's/gf's
Do not hurt my friends
Do not spread rumors about people
Do not flirt with me, especilly around my friends
Do not try to be my friend and say shit about me or my friends
Do not break my heart
Do not start shit because i dont
Do not bother me when i dont want to talk
Do not fuck around with me, i'll cut your throat open
And to put it all together
If you have a problem with me, come say it to my fucking face, or i'll just come find you and rip your face off
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