in no particular order...traveling(or mostly dreaming of it right now) - my family - exploring something or someone new - spending time with my nephew - live music - fishing - growing mentally and spiritually - children(whom I think are the most beautiful people on this planet - day dreaming – picnics – dance parties - people watching(especially at the airport) – making love – kissing - hiking – biking – canoeing – napping outdoors – rocking chairs, hammocks and swings – happy hour – soul searching – cracking the first bit of crème brulee – those small connections that we all have with strangers(a lot of the time with out words) – snuggling – good food - red wine – sharing – the ocean and it’s shore - the color green – sky diving and scuba diving – home made gifts – flowers – art projects – really knowing someone – asking questions in order to get to know someone – interpreting clouds – scrabble – boating – cards and letters – children’s books – dreaming about the future – speeding up on an overpass until it feels like my car is a galloping horse – dressing up for Halloween – hot tea – being taken away by a book or a movie – photography – road trips – playing pretend at work with Anika and Hanna - roasting the perfect marshmellow on a camp fire - sunbathing - bubbles - skirts - skiing/snowboarding - trees…and so much more
What Is Your True Aura Colour?
Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing and supportive personalities. They live from their heart and emotions. Their purpose for being on the planet is to give love, to teach love and to learn that they are loved. Their priorities are love, relationships, and spirituality.
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"One good thing about music When it hits you feel no pain So hit me with music Hit me with music now Hit me with music, hit me with music..."
Amelie - Garden State - The Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind - American Beauty - The Big Lebowski - Waking Life - Labyrinth - The Royal Tenenbaums - Grateful Dawg - O Brother, Where art thou? - Adaptation - A River Runs Through It - Rushmore - Chocolat - Alice In Wonderland - Lost In Translation - Princess Bride - The Neverending Story - Everything is Illuminated -
Lost - Sunday Morning on CBS @ 9am(best news show on tv) - the Office -my name is Earl - Tribal Life (travel channel)- Planet Earth-Meerkat Manor - Anthony Bourdain - Oprah
The Alchemist - Silk - Letters to a Young Poet - The Four Agreements - Eat Pray Love - any dream dictionary - Where the Wild Things Are - Swimmy - Bear Snores On...and so many more!!!
Bob Marley...My Mom...The Dalai Lama...any one who knows what it's truly about to be here right now and who is livin life that way...anyone whos trying to make the world better!!!