Uncle John and Whitelock profile picture

Uncle John and Whitelock

Horror R&B and Dead Soul

About Me

Uncle John and Whitelock play the finest Horror R&B or Dead Soul. The Jam and The Teacher were travelling West and met John, Whitelock and Ovalbody wandering East. They sat under a Yew tree and put together the super heavy sounds you are about to hear exclaiming "There is Nothing Else . . . "

My Interests


Member Since: 5/18/2006
Band Website: gfmproductions.com
Band Members: Jacob Lovatt, Raydale Dower, Matthew Black, David Philp, Jamie Bolland
Influences: traps, knives, guns . . .
Sounds Like: 1879 played at album launch November 2005
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Clods fall on the coffin lid

"Happy New Year" said the worms in the ears of the buried. "You like the new music of the flesh being pulled from your bones?" No more phone calls down 'ere, no more drivin' vans down 'ere, just the c...
Posted by Uncle John and Whitelock on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:42:00 PST

The impossibility of death in the ears of the living

Yes it is true, the final three shows begin with Aberdeen this Saturday night followed by Edinburgh on the 29thNovember and Glasgow 23rdDecember. Then yor ears an eyes won't be doin the things they us...
Posted by Uncle John and Whitelock on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 06:52:00 PST