Karnal Film Productions profile picture

Karnal Film Productions

PHALLUSIFER:The Immoral Code now on DVD

About Me

Karnal Film is releasing Phallusifer - The Immoral Code the first black metal P O R N movieCOME VISIT US: http://WWW.KARNALFILM.COM [or click on the banner] Come watch the trailer,see some still photos of this insane movie and get more info. You can also place your order or order directly from here.

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Porn, Satan and black metal

Phallusifer-The Immoral Code DVD: € 15/$17

For orders send:
Europe 19 €
USA/World 20 €
(this includes shipping) via paypal address: [email protected]

you can also send well concealed cash or bank transfer (write for info)WE SHIP WORLDWIDE


For more info regarding the film or payments email us at: [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

all porn lovers, satanists, extreme metallers, eccentrics, generally sick people


1349 (Norway) 1000 Funerals (Iran)A Aaskereia (Germany) Abdijah (Poland) Abathur (Iran) Abigail (Japan) Abigor (Austria) Abomino Aetas (Norway) Aborym (Italy) Absu (USA) Absurd (Germany) Abruptum (Sweden) Abyss (Italy) The Abyss (Sweden) Abyssos (Sweden) Abyssic Hate (Australia) Aes Dana (France) Aeternus (Norway) Agalloch (USA) Agarthi (Italy) Agathodaimon (Germany) Aguynguerran (Belgium) Ajattara (Finland) Akercocke (UK) Akitsa (Canada) Alastis (Switzerland) Alcest (France) Algiz (USA) Algol (USA) Alkonost (Russia) Altar of Thrond (USA) Amok Vedar (Germany) Anaal Nathrakh (UK) Ancient (Norway) Ancient Rites (Belgium) And Hell Followed (USA) ...And Oceans (Finland) Angantyr (Denmark) Angizia (Germany) Anorexia Nervosa (France) Antim Grahan (Nepal) Antestor (Norway) Apocalyptic Carnage (Netherlands) Apostasy (Sweden) Aras (Iran) Arch of Thorns (USA) Arckanum (Sweden) Arcturus (Norway) Archgoat (Finland) Arkhon Infaustus (France) Arkona (Poland) Armagedda (Sweden) Arthemesia (Finland) Aryan Spirits (Iran) As Stormclouds Gather (Germany) Ash (USA) Asmegin (Norway) Astarte (Greece) Astriaal (Australia) Astrofaes (Ukraine) Asvaran (Iran) Augury (Canada) Aura Noir (Norway) Averse Sefira (USA) Avinar (Iran) Axis of Advance (Canada) The Axis of Perdition (UK) Azagatel (Portugal) Azaghal (Finland) [edit] B Bahimiron (USA) Balaam (France) Bal-Sagoth (England) Bannerwar (Greece) Baphomets Throne (Poland} Baptism (Finland) Barathrum (Finland) Basilisk (UK) Bathory (Sweden) Behemoth (Poland) Beherit (Finland) Behexen (Finland) Bekhira Belenos (France) Belial Beleth (Germany) Belphegor (Austria) Besatt (Poland) Bestial Warlust (Australia) Bethlehem (Germany} Bismillah (Morocco/Singapore) Bjarkan (Russia) Black Funeral (US) Black Nocturnal Darkness (Netherlands) Black Torment (US) Black Trinity (USA) Black Witchery (USA) Blasphemy (Canada) Bloodaxe (Canada) Bloodline (Sweden) Bloodthorn (Norway) Bloodthrone (USA) Blood Of Christ (Canada) Blood Stained Dusk (USA) Blut Aus Nord (France) Blutklinge (Germany) Book of Black Earth (USA) Borknagar (Norway) Brenoritvrezorkre (France) Bulldozer (Italy) Burning Moon (Canada) Burzum (Norway) Bartholomeus night (Israel) Black Fire (Malaysia)C Capricornus (Poland) Carnal Apostle (UK) Carpathian Forest (Norway) Carpe Tenebrum (Australia) Catamenia (Finland) Celtic Frost (Switzerland) Cerberus (Germany) Cerebral Effusion (SPA) Ceremonial Castings (USA) Ceremonial Embrace (Finland) Chaos Opera (USA) Charnel Valley (USA) Children of Bodom (Finland) (first three albums) Children Of Maani (France) Choronzon (USA) Christgoat (USA) Clad in Darkness (USA) Clandestine Blaze (Finland) Contamino (Sweden) Countess (Netherlands) Covenant (Norway) Craft (Sweden) Crebain (USA) Crescendo of Pain (Germany) Christian Epidemic (Hungary) Crimson Moonlight (Sweden) Crocell(Black metal) (Italy) Cryptik Howling (Canada) Cultfall (Norway) Cult of Daath (USA)D Daemonlord (Spain) Daevas Dark Ages (Belgium) Dark Funeral (Sweden) Darkspace (band) (Switzerland) Darkmoon Darkness Eternal (Canada) Darkestrah (Kyrgisian) Darkthrone (Norway) Darkwoods My Betrothed (Finland) Dawn (Sweden) DeadeartH (Finland) Dead Of Winter (Canada) Deathspell Omega (France) December Moon (UK) Dekadent (Slovenia) Demoncy (USA) Demonic Christ (USA) Destiss (USA) Deströyer 666 (Australia) Deviant (France) Diabolical Masquerade (Norway) Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (Germany) Die Toten kehren wieder mit dem Wind (Germany) Dimmu Borgir (Norway) Dissection (Sweden) Dissimulation (Lithuania) Detsorgsekalf (Canada) Dødheimsgard (Norway) Dragonlord (USA) Drifason (USA) Drudkh (Ukraine) Dumah (USA) Dusk (Hungary)E Ebonsight (Turkey) Echoes of Silence Eclipse Eternal (Canada) Eibon (Norway & USA) Einherjer(Norway) Eisregen (Germany) The Elysian Fields (Greece) Ekove Efrits (Iran) Elfire (Canada) Eluveitie (Switzerland) Emperor (Norway) Empyrean Plague (Canada) Eminenz (Germany) Enochian Crescent (Finland) Enslaved (Norway) Enthroned (Belgium) Epheles (France) Episode 13 (Turkey) Equilibrium (Germany) Erebus (Egypt) Eulogium (USA) Ex-Devil (Canada) Extinction (UK) Ezurate (USA)F Fall Ov Serafim (Sweden) Falkenbach (Germany) Finntroll (Finland) Fiendbild Mensch (Germany) Fleurety (Norway) Forest of Impaled (USA) Funeral Fog (Canada) Funeral Mist (Sweden)G Galgeras (Netherlands) Ganzmord (USA) Gaahlskagg (Norway) Geasa (Ireland) Genocide Kommando (France) Ghosts of Lemuria (USA) Glorior Belli (France) Goatwhore (USA) Goat Horde (Canada) God Dethroned (Netherlands) Gorbalrog (Germany) Gorgoroth (Norway) Grand Belial's Key (USA) Graveland (Poland) Gravestorm (USA) Gravespawn (USA) Graveworm (Italy) Grim kvlt knights ov hell 666 (U.S.A.) Grimgørr (UK) Godless (U.S.A.) Goathemy (Finland) Gorelord (Norway) Great Horn (Ukraine)H Ha Lela (Lithuanian) Handful of Hate (Italy) Hate Forest (Ukraine) Hateful Abandon (UK) Hecate Enthroned (UK) Helrunar (Germany) Hellacaust (Canada) Hellveto (Poland) Hetroertzen (Chile) Hecadoth (Poland) Horde (Australia) Horde Of Worms (Canada) Horna (Finland) Hortus Animae (Italy)I Ibex Throne (USA) Ildjarn (Norway) Immortal (Norway) Immortal Tears (Czech Republic) Impaled Nazarene (Finland) Impaled Northern Moonforest (USA) Impiety (Singapore) Infernum (Poland) Infected (Turkey) Infernal Throne (USA) Insomniac Belial (Brazil) I Shalt Become (USA) In The Woods...(Norway) Isvind (Norway) Illtempered (Poland)J The Jenova Project (Bangladesh) (not to be confused with the now-defunct North American Progressive Rock band) Judas Iscariot (USA)K Kamaedzitca (Belarus) Kampfar (Norway) Kataxu (Poland) Katharsis (Germany) Kathonik (USA) Keep Of Kalessin (Norway) Khold (Norway) Koldbrann (Norway) Kratornas (Philippines) Krieg (USA) Kult ov Azazel (USA) Kudram (Malaysia)L Lamort (Australia) Leviathan (USA) Lemuria (Belgium) Lengsel (Norway) Lightning War (UK) Limbonic Art (Norway) Lord Belial (Sweden) Lorde of all Desires (USA) Lords of the Manor (USA) Lucifugum (Ukraine) Lunaris Lunar Reign (USA) Lycanthropy (USA)M Macabre Omen (Greece) Magane (Japan) Majeste Simphonia (Greece) Malevolencia (Venezuela) Marduk (Sweden) Master's Hammer (Czech Republic) Mayhem (Norway) Meads of Asphodel (UK) Medieval Demon (Greece) Melechesh (Holland) Menhir (Germany) Mercyful Fate (Denmark) Mezzerschmitt (Norway) Miasthenia (Brazil) Misantropical Painforest (Finland) Misein (Italy) Mörk Gryning (Sweden) Mortuary Drape (Italy) Mourning Glory (Northern Ireland, Scotland) Mütiilation (France) Myrk (Iceland) Mysotheisme (Canada) Mystic Circle (Germany) Mystic Forest (France)N Naer Mataron (Greece) Nachtzehrer (USA) Naglfar (Sweden) Nahash (Lithuania) Nargaroth (Germany) Nattefrost (Norway) Nebron (Hungary) Nebular Frost (UK) Necrocosm (USA) Necroevil (USA) Necromantia (Greece) Negura Bunget (Romania) Nefastus Dies (Canada) Nifelheim (Sweden) Nocternity (Greece) Noctifer (Italy) Noenum (Finland) Nokturnal Mortum (Ukraine) Nokturne (USA) Nordlicht (Switzerland) Norrt (Denmark) Northern Alliance (Pakistan)O Obtained Enslavement (Norway) Obtest (Lithuania) Odal (Germany) Odium Immortalis (Germany) Old Man's Child (Norway) Old Serpent (Philippines) Ondskapt (Sweden) Opera IX (Italy) Operation Winter Mist (Canada) Ophthalamia (Sweden) Oplexicon (USA) Oppressor (Poland) Order of the Ebon Hand (Greece) Obsidian Oracle (USA) Otyg (Sweden)P Pagan Heritage (The Netherlands) Pandaemonium (Canada) Paysage d'Hiver (Switzerland) Pest (Sweden) Primordial (Ireland) Profanum (Poland) Potentiam (Iceland) Profanatica (USA) Perdition Hearse (Norway)R Ragnarok (Norway) Rehtaf Ruo (US) Reunion (Bulgaria) Rimfrost (Sweden) Rotting Christ (Greece) Rossomahaar (Russia)S Sabbat (Japan) Sacrilegium (Poland) Sad Legend (South Korea) Sarcofago (Brazil) Sargeist (Finland) Saltus (Poland) Satan's Almighty Penis Satyricon (Norway) Samael (Switzerland) Satanic Warmaster (Finland) Sceptrum Mortiferum (Finland) Scholomance Sear Bliss (Hungary) Septic Flesh (Greece) Serpent Eclipse (USA) Serpenterium (Puerto Rico) Setherial (Sweden) Shakespeare in Hell (USA) Shining (Sweden) Siebenburgen (Sweden) Sigh (Japan) Sin Origin (USA) Skyfire (Sweden) Sodom (old) (Germany) Solefald (Norway) Sorrowstorm (Panama) Sorg Innkallelse (Iran) Sólstafir (Iceland) Sorhin (Sweden) Sothis (USA) Spearhead (UK) Spiritual Eclipse (USA) Stíny Plamenu (Czech Republic) Striborg (Australia) Summoning (Austria) Svartsyn (Sweden) Sworn (Norway) Sønderfall(Sweden) Stormlord (Italy)T Taake (Norway) Taarma (Black Emperor Jogezai) (Afghan/Balochistan/Pakistan) Talamyus (Canada) Tartaros (Norway) ThanatoSchizo (Portugal) Thesyre (Canada) Thornium (Sweden) Thorns (Norway) Thou Art Lord (Greece) Thus Defiled (UK) Throes of Dawn (Finland) Throne of Katarsis (Norway) Thyrane (Finland) Todesfaust (USA) Tormentor (Hungary) Trelldom (Norway) Triumphator (Sweden) Trollheim's Grott (Finland) Trollskogen (Dan) Troll (Norway) Trollech (Czech Republic) Tsjuder (Norway) Tulus (Norway) Turulvér (Hungary) Thy Serpent (Finland) Tvangeste (Russia) Twilight Ophera (Finland)U Ulver (Norway) Unchrist (USA) Unearthly (Brazil) Ungod (Italy) Unlord (Netherlands) Urn (Finland) Urshurark (Italy) Usurper (USA) Utlagr (Canada) Utuk-Xul (Colombia)V Varathron (Greece) Ved Buens Ende (Norway) Velonnic Sin (USA) Velvet Cacoon (USA) Veneficum (USA) Venom (UK) Vesania (Poland) Vesperian Sorrow (USA) Vintersorg (Sweden) Visions of the Night (Canada) Vlad Tepes (France) Vondur (Sweden) Von (USA) Vordven (Finland) Vreid (Norway) Vulture Lord (Norway)W Watain (Sweden) Will of the Ancients (Canada) Windir (Norway) Wind of the Black Mountains (USA) Winter of Apokalypse (USA) Witchery (Sweden) Witch Hunt (USA) Witch Taint (USA) Withering Soul (USA) Woebegone Tears (Turkey) Wolfsschanze (USA) Wolven Ancestry (Canada) Wolves in the Throne Room (USA) Woods of Ypres (Canada) Witchking (Canada) Worms of Sabnock(UK) Wurdulak (Norway) Wykked Wytch (USA) Wyrd (Finland)X Xasthur (USA)Z Zarathustra (Germany) Zorn (Germany) Zyklon B (Norway)Also bands like old metallica , Slayer, Lamb of God , Deicide, Dimmu Borgir , Trivium , pop Korn hehe NOT!!


Porn, Rosemary's Baby, Exorcist, Star Wars, Lucifer Rising, Phallusifer - The Immoral Code, fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Omen




Playboy , the satanic bible
