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Lauren Ellen

Loka Samusta Sukina Bavantu! (May all beings in the world be Happy!!!)

About Me

I am a Usui Reiki Master-Teacher, Alternative Healer, Psychic and Medium. I have been on the spiritual path for 5 years and counting. Working for the man upstairs has its benefits.I love to travel and have been to some pretty cool places like England, Peru and Mexico, all for spiritual purposes, as well as to enjoy the beauty the world has to offer.I believe there is good in all people on the planet, and together we can make this a world a sparkling place when everyone believes in themselves as a Divine Being.Most of all, I love helping others discover what makes them laugh. The sound of laughter is the most beautiful sound to me.Love, Joy, Bliss and Laughter...

Myspace Layouts at / Purple yen and yang - Image Hosting

My Interests

Spiritual Development, Intuitive Development, Sekhmet, Ammachi, Divine Love, Music, Mediumship, Reiki, Shambhala and Shamanic Healing, Integrated Energy, Karuna Reiki, Dancing, Travel, Reading, Having Fun, Laughter, Joy, Unity, Bliss, Dave Matthews Band, Kirtan, Sacred Sexuality, Lions, Krishna, Isis, Osiris, Wicca, Gypsy, Angles, Belly Dance, Theatre, Broadway, Guster, Peru, England, Key West, Sedona, Phantom of the Opera, Krisha Das, Shambhala Reiki, Wine, Spamalot, Madonna, Mexico, Swimming with Dolphins, Sacred Sites like Stonehenge, Chichen Itza, Machu Pichu ect.

I'd like to meet:

Awesome, open-minded individuals who have a flair for the creative life, old and new friends, and people filled with love!!


Dave Matthews Band, Guster, Sarah, Madonna, Matisyahu, Krishna Das, any really good Dance/Techno Music, I pretty much love it all except country and super heavy stuff.


To many to name! I love Movies!


adopt your own virtual pet! ..



My Blog

Palin and Obama

Hey All, You can ask many of my personal friends that I am usually not much of a political person. I do follow along enough to get by on my voting decisions, as I do believe that voting is an importan...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:53:00 PST

Amma Love

Amma Amma Amma, I have just started the retreat here in Marlboro MA and so far, I cannot wait to come back next year. Just being able to receive darshan from Amma once a day... and only for a few day...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 06:45:00 PST

Nice Article

I know it has been some times since I have posted, but time to come out of hiding eventually. At least this seems to be the theme as yet. I attended a Holistic Expo in Nashua yesterday. And much to my...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 08:12:00 PST

Once In a Blue Moon

    Yes, this can mean rare or, fat chance in hell, but really a Blue moon is two full moons in one calendar month. So guess what? You can litterally say that once in a blue moon has ac...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:42:00 PST

Mercury Retrograde Out!! YAY

By request, I am putting up some information from the world of spirit from time to time to keep you all abreast of what to be aware of and how it affects you... but I will still keep my quirky things ...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 08:55:00 PST

A Real Dating Profile

There are amazing thing you can see and learn about people when you work for a dating service. Reading profile after profile of the thousands of personalities trying to convey what they would like to ...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:36:00 PST

Family and Hugs

Are you having a hard time trying to figure out what you are giving for Holiday Presents? Who isn't? Well how about something wonderfully inexpensive& actually free to give and will pack the biggest ...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:32:00 PST

You know you are a fag hag when...

ONE of you gay best friends, and yes I have many, actually posts a gay advertisement on your Myspace comments section because he knows there is enough gay men checking out this page to begin with. Do...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:47:00 PST

Remembering Nine~Eleven

Can you believe it. Five years has gone My mother once told me she will always remember where she was when JFK was assassinated. And likewise I will always remember where I was when 911 happened...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:44:00 PST

We are Like Rivers

I wanted to share this wonderful thought from Amma. You are not little ponds where water stagnates and gets dirtier with time; you are rivers that should flow for the benefit of the world. You are not...
Posted by Lauren Ellen on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:37:00 PST