Photography, Cars or anything thats mechanized, Music, HiFi, Tennis Shoes (yes its a sickness), Black T-shirts, Chatting w/ Babes online (ha!), Guns (no really), Politics, I'm sure there is more but I'm too lazy to think of it.
Any major world leader or Bono. The rest of you can take a flying leap. Ok not really.. jeez. Always looking for cool bands & cars to photograph. Anyone else into photography or cars.. or anyone who just thinks they are cool. Cause.. like, cool people rule. What no famous people J? No way.. met a few.. don't really care for em. I'm sure some are if your semi-famous and cool. Feel free to message me.
U2, Johnny Cash, 80's synth, Get Up Kids, Reggie and the Full Effect, Coldplay, 311, Reverend Horton Heat, G Love and Special Sauce, Piebald, The Cure, Hendrix, Zepplin, Ben Folds, Early 90's gangsta rap (NWA, Dr. Dre, Public Enemy, Etc), Hot Rod Circuit, The Belles, Social Distortion, Rancid, Mad Caddies, Appleseed Cast, Bad Religion, Beck, Beatles, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, The Band........................ I could go on awhile.
Braveheart, Suicide Kings, Swingers, Resevoir Dogs, Rad (the 80's bitches), Gone in 60 Seconds, Walk the Line, Saving Private Ryan, All those 80's flicks about Vietnam, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, Planes Trains
Law & Order, The Office, The O.C. (don't even say it), Miami Ink, The History Channel, just about any car related show I happen to catch.
People still ready books? I though we all just surfed ebay and watched TV to kill time. Jeez.... ummm here's a few I enjoyed. Ghost Soldiers, Blackhawk Down, The Others May Live, None Braver, Shutterbabe, Bringing the Jobs Home..