Legume, the Nitrogen Fixer profile picture

Legume, the Nitrogen Fixer

Come all ye who may, Off with ye if ye harbor mean bones in ye body or evil thoughts in ye head

About Me

Bought to be studying me some laws....I love my woman and plants and my buddies and blackjack and reading me some books and thinking about writin em too.....I love playin some guitar and singing some songs and listenin ever once in a while....I sometimes sit around and wonder what those who have fallen by the wayside might be up to....if it was somethin good i might wander up that way while i wundered what it'd be like........

My Interests

see above....also seeing what new bitparts Kumar has going on in TV or film.......

I'd like to meet:

anybody by the name of Cappy....enlighteners..........


Texas stuff....other stuff....gettin old....can't keep up like i used to.......


washed up Costner sports films......Pink Panthers......Kuni and Gerald....Cohen Bros comedies...good sci-fi like Fantastic 4....


Ribald Rome at the moment.....


Donleavy, Saramago, Murakami, Vonnegut, Borges, Bulgakov, assorted non-fiction.....


mi familia gran (de sangre y otro cosas).......